Monday, April 22, 2019

Possibilities Patterns.To dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do.

Don't change yourself to win someone's heart. Stay true and you'll find someone who likes you for being you.Be happy. Be who you want to be. If others don't like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn't about pleasing everybody.BREAKING New: ‘Empire’ Actor Jussie Smollett Under ARREST, Charged With Felony.Possibilities Patterns.To dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do.

Right now my height is the height of my wheelchair.  When I stand I'm 5'10" - I weigh 180.  I'm 66 gonna be 67 on 07-11.  Back in the day when I was at Benning, I underwent some air-gun injections with everyone else in my company.  Well, I contracted non-ab hep as a result.  Non-ab hep was later changed to Hep C.  Mine sat dormant for 49 years.  Then due to my becoming diabetic etc. in 1992 and on insulin in 2009, my gallbladder went bad which they removed 02/18.  It woke my Hep C.  Possibilities Patterns.To dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do.
I underwent treatment for the Hep C which was successful, but not before turning up with cirrhosis of the liver with kidney disease to boot creating a condition called hepatic encephalopathy.  My diabetes  also caused neuropathy in both feet and legs.  October 2018 I lost my ability to walk and was reduced to a chair.  That was when they put me on in home hospice care.  My brother Mark, started me on a daily regiment of celery juice about 100 days ago.  I do 16 ounces 15 minutes before breakfast every morning and it has changed my life.  My A1C went from 12+ to a 6.2 and is dropping.  

My Doctors are taking me OFF my insulin's I have been doing for the past ten years.   Mark not only got me on the celery juice he also switched me to an avocado blend oil for cooking and use as butter etc.  which cut me from 205 to 180 without exercise.  45 days ago I began an exercise routine of push-ups.  Started could barely do five sets of five.  Am now doing sets of 100's.  Next month when they operate on my kidney they also are supposed to put pain blockers in my legs.  Pharmaceuticals don't cut it.  No more oxy's etc.  too dangerous for me.  Twice I had to use the Narcan from taking too many to get rid of the pain.  Dr. then prescribed Medical Marijuana concentrate for me which helps - a lot!  Possibilities Patterns.To dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do.

Elizabeth Warren dropped two excellent policy ideas today, and the New York Times is publishing articles about what Neera Tanden said to her mom about Bernie Sanders. Super excited to relive all the bullshit of 2016!Possibilities Patterns.To dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do.

😖📲💥🌳 Marines and sailors train in the jungle.3 Hard Knocks. Givers and takes, both sides of the coin. Love and hate, both four letter words, same on the down low, or words to distrust, same or equal to faithful and bullshit, Wisdom of Gene Wilder:Possibilities Patterns.To dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do.

Sorry about the little break.  I had a tooth break and needed a ride to Walmart to get something to fix it until I can get down to Loma Linda.  Ouch.  Wow.  You sound like the girl of my dreams.  I write.  Always on the board.  Once upon a time I practiced a little law and my goal is to write my book.  Everybody has a story to tell.  I have mine...:)  Pleasure to meet you.  As for marital status I am a four time loser.  Four marriages and four divorces.  No kids.  Last relationship went 12 years.  Should have only lasted 12 days.  Sure would have been better if it had...:)  Although appearances are important they are not everything.  Its the person and not what they look like.  Find the right one and its showtime, full or good feelings and things.  Find the wrong one and its nightmare on elm street stuff.  Sun City is not bad.  I'm just putting an offer in on a place out in Anza through the VA. Seeing your a vet also and having gone through the process if you used the VA maybe you could give me some pointers seeing that is the process I am going through?

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ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Tales on land and beaches on sands of time. Burn and bake snakes for boots.

  Red Dates, changes to the event, tomorrow, on the 12th, just to let you know, have to tell the others, fun and games, good times, family a...