Monday, April 22, 2013

Life is a Race, Rats, Tigers, Monkeys Racing To Home Bases

Pieces Of A Dream, Dancing Angels, Dancing Desires, Days of peace and love, hate and love, living large, joys and pleasures, time to spare. Tips and tales, to rock with you, songs of Michael Jackson, covers the pictures, almanacs to replace. Records, reports, recaps needed, good and bad, paths taken on the roads to greatness. Music notes, beats goes on, wheels turn, time never stops. Time and wheels, over the tracks, on the roads to greatness, bumps in the roads. 

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Vibe Cover, History In The Works, Stories Told, History recorded, tie to the notes, songs record for the best to be, bumps in the roads, back on track. Songs recorded for the bumps, for the dough's, the friends, the freaks, the questions up in the air. Songs to play over again, radio hits, music to play. Happy Birthday Notes, Michael Jackson, Natalie Cole, David Bowie, Penny Dates, Mothers and Fathers dead. Angels Mothers Aleane Bailey, Sally Anne D'Silva, and the kids dead and gone. Holiday daily for the dead, vacation time for the great leaders dead. Bones in a box, angels in the sky, songs to sing, in the birds. Messages in the songs, black and blue birds, singer dead. Sad Stories all of them.

The start of the race was delayed for a lot longer than we wanted, and longer than we knew it was going to be. We had been told that it was still a matter about the money. That has always been the problem, and the time that we spent together, would have to be covered as well. It was not. That is what happens when you do not make plans to do whatever you need to do. My thoughts have been on the kids that have been taken. The piper is coming to remove the damage kids that were not able to tell a good story because they had not been trained to do that at all.

Image result for sima jarrot

Life is a Race, Rats, Tigers, Monkeys Racing To Home Bases

Steven Jay Jarrot:Craigslist Posts NFrog Dates: Cuban Transplants: Paul and Sima Jarrot ...ot sure about a man that ..

Frog Dates: Cuban Transplants: Paul and Sima Jarrot: Donkeys dead, 

and bones in a box, daisy dicks to push up, gardens of the expired. 

Review: Charles R Jarrot Inc - Discussion on Topix: Thief, Crook, Liar, Frog

Dates With Sex Freaks, Sheri, Sima and Rachel Jarrot, Rach Jay the butch

 up to party and play, daddy is the pimp on call, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267

Image result for sima jarrot

This is it, the wrap up is in place, and we are pulling the ropes tighter,
Paul Jarrot, head of tribe of Turkeys, Frog in the army,  homeless back in the day. He learned how to steal and cheat to get the things that were needed, and he took a lot of risks for his family after his father left the household. It was a pattern that the father had started at the age of 14 years old, he was not able to get alone with his father’s second wife, so it was to the Army he went. He looked older, and told lies to the, under parked cars in the streets were better than home. The choices were under cars or military with lies for the age difference. It was not a hard choice, and it was warmer than outside for sure.

That was one of the reasons, for the sleep like treat, and no plans, no goal, and no future plans for nothing. Life for Sean has always be lucky for him, and he is still alive because of his luck, and it may last for a while longer or not. Not sure how much credit to give to luck, since it is a matter of research and placement, for luck always. Whatever you want get up and go get it, or go where you think you can get it is a good start. Have the dreams, plans, and goals in place to get there, and don’t stop until you get that price.

2 Strike: Snake in Grass: Dicks Out of Box: Enough Charms: Game Over:
October 16, 201 : Another example of the yellow snakes at work, snake dens full of the low standards, lights out to fool others. Snake in grass, delete the history in one place, no all the places where data was stored, big pictures out of focus here. Why delete history of one or many mental, confused and displace veteran, because you had to create more lies for questions asked, or because you hate the view that you display on some level. Liars, crooks, cheaters, cum suckers, used car sells, junk seller all day long, drug dealer, pimp, poker poker, snake charmer, Jewish White Loads, Jewish Turkey, Cuban Transplants, words used to describe or talk about this family. Their views of themselves is a little different for their actions and deeds, it is all good, love and hate, the horns of a goat, biblical stories, fairy tales, they they live in their dreams, in real life, with lights on it is not the same. Calling in Desert. Cows,Cattle, And Cattle-calls, Ready for What?...Enough for the Charmed....Game Over......Snakes in the Grass

The start of the race was delayed for a lot longer than we wanted, and longer than we knew it was going to be. We had been told that it was still a matter about the money. That has always been the problem, and the time that we spent together, would have to be covered as well. It was not. That is what happens when you do not make plans to do whatever you need to do. My thoughts have been on the kids that have been taken. The piper is coming to remove the damage kids that were not able to tell a good story because they had not been trained to do that at all.

This is it, the wrap up is in place, and we are pulling the ropes tighter, so the time is ripe for the big dreams. This is a recap of the dream that was started years ago, and it kind of burned out because the next step could not be taken. There are always plans in place, just do not have the time and attention to all the things that matter, because it has not been addressed yet. We have to take a few minutes to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly parts in order to see the larger picture, and all the events that are going on now and then.

 Change is something that I do not have a problem with, it is also about growth. Not ready to push up daisies, and do not have time to sleep until I am buried. So the work has to be done, and the peter piper is the first one out, to sing and dance and be the leader for the next group of people in place for greatness.

It is a secret what that is for each and every one of us, and it is why we were sent to stay on earth, to complete a task or two. What is it for you? What is it for the people that you cross on your journey on earth? How in touch are you? If you are a one page person, this is not for you, you believe in nothing that matters, because your book does not have enough pages to keep anyone’s attention for long. 

The people that you cross during your lifetime are there for a purpose, a reason, a season or a lifetime , you just have desire what the reason is. It may or may not be something that you know from the beginning, or something that you decide from their actions. Most people are one page people; their book of life is a one page book, not much there to read between the lines at all. So what do you do with people like that? Not sure, depending on when they showed up, and what you need to get completed.

My life is on the line again, ideals are not being met, and the standards for the closest person for the last two years, have not changed much at all. The story is the same, the actions are still the same, and the mindset is still the same for the knight in shining armor. It is a sad day to finally wake up and see the pigs, frogs, and the cows, and wonder how life could be without them at all. The jobs titles have not changed from my standpoint, the man in question is perfect to himself, and his waste matter does smell like roses. That is on one hand, on the other hand, the dirt will not come off, so the water does not work on removing the dirt for the tests on charterer. It is a matter of choices that is the whole thing about free will, and the crossroads that you have to face, and which direction you choose. I wanted to look at the lives of me and the girls that are part of me, just like sisters that were desirable, helpful, and caring for real, not just words.

Words that we use tell a story about your life and times, if you respect yourself, and the same old tire stories that you tell everybody, is not needed for all the people that you cross paths with. I wanted to talk about snakes in the grass in a couple of different ways, and the actions that were created behind the choices that we are living with. Men and women met and marry and live life together because they cannot face life without the other, and in a perfect world they are complete together. That is the ideal situation, and it is the one that most of us search for. What happens if you find your dream mate, what then is instantly know to both parties that notice on meeting that they are a match for a life time? How can you know? Standards are needed in order to pretense falling for everything and anything. What if you are not able to see how green the grass is at your front door because you can see greener grass out of the window, do you take grass from out of the picture out of the window, that you are looking out of? What do you do, when you know there is more, and the  you know it is a matter of changing plans?

Men and women are always searching for the other half of themselves, how they look are a matter of choice as well, and standards play a lot in these matters as well. Hearts are cute for the lover’s day in February, but they are not made to be put in trash at the end of the month, and you should not wear on your sleeves either. Here is a story of a man and a women that met at a crossroad on Happy Trails Road, in the little quiet town of Truth or Constance, in New Mexico, one day long ago. It was quiet day and the sun was out, and life was good, and the dream for more was in place, when Maya and Sean met. They were ready for life and love was something that they both wanted, and it was a sign of the life that was desired by both. It was love at first site.

During that time in September went they met it was ripe for the changing seasons, and the cause and effect changed to adjust to the tip of iceberg that came into play. When Maya first saw Sean, her thought was that he looks asleep, and she wondered how long he had been in that state. A sleeping lion was how she saw he, he was born in September on the 4, and he had a girlfriend in his head that has the same birthday as well, and sleeping is what he does always. In the beginning that was a thought that it may have been faux start, but not it has been clearly shown that it is personal for him. This was something that Maya had to learn over time, and it did not get any better, because he had created a female offspring that were just like him. It was a shame, that it was okay and acceptable for them, but not to Maya. It took awhile to find out, and it was not something that she wanted to accept. The signs were there, and it was not going to take another brush with death, this time to get the message. Once was enough for that.

Sean was a product of an abuse childhood, and has to wait, until  he got big enough to throw his weight around, so he could toss his father out of the house. At thirteen, he took on the role of male provider so he could help his mother, and it was needed for daily living for them. He started to work at places for more of the normal things that people took for granted growing up. effect, so he could have a warm place to sleep. He was not able to sleep at home He learned how to steal and cheat to get the things that were needed, and he took a lot of risks for his family after his father left the household. It was a pattern that the father had started at the age of 14 years old, he was not able to get alone with his father’s second wife, so it was to the Army he went. He looked older, and told lies to the, under parked cars in the streets were better than home. The choices were under cars or military with lies for the age difference. It was not a hard choice, and it was warmer than outside for sure.

That was one of the reasons, for the sleep like treat, and no plans, no goal, and no future plans for nothing. Life for Sean has always be lucky for him, and he is still alive because of his luck, and it may last for a while longer or not. Not sure how much credit to give to luck, since it is a matter of research and placement, for luck always. Whatever you want get up and go get it, or go where you think you can get it is a good start. Have the dreams, plans, and goals in place to get there, and don’t stop until you get that price.

Love lights, horse and pony shows, trips to hear the music, songs in a crowd, stars to shine.

Vibe Cover, History In The Works, Stories Told, History recorded, tie to the notes, songs record for the best to be, bumps in the roads, back on track. Songs recorded for the bumps, for the dough's, the friends, the freaks, the questions up in the air. Songs to play over again, radio hits, music to play. Happy Birthday Notes, Michael Jackson, Natalie Cole, David Bowie, Penny Dates, Mothers and Fathers dead. Angels Mothers Aleane Bailey, Sally Anne D'Silva, and the kids dead and gone. Holiday daily for the dead, vacation time for the great leaders dead. Bones in a box, angels in the sky, songs to sing, in the birds. Messages in the songs, black and blue birds, singer dead. Sad Stories all of them. Calling in Desert. Cows,Cattle, And Cattle-calls, Ready for What?...Enough for the Charmed....Game Over......Snakes in the Grass

The start of the race was delayed for a lot longer than we wanted, and longer than we knew it was going to be. We had been told that it was still a matter about the money. That has always been the problem, and the time that we spent together, would have to be covered as well. It was not. That is what happens when you do not make plans to do whatever you need to do. My thoughts have been on the kids that have been taken. The piper is coming to remove the damage kids that were not able to tell a good story because they had not been trained to do that at all.

Another example of the yellow snakes at work, snake dens full of the low standards, lights out to fool others. Snake in grass, delete the history in one place, no all the places where data was stored, big pictures out of focus here. Why delete history of one or many mental, confused and displace veteran, because you had to create more lies for questions asked, or because you hate the view that you display on some level. Liars, crooks, cheaters, cum suckers, used car sells, junk seller all day long, drug dealer, pimp, poker poker, snake charmer, Jewish White Loads, Jewish Turkey, Cuban Transplants, words used to describe or talk about this family. Their views of themselves is a little different for their actions and deeds, it is all good, love and hate, the horns of a goat, biblical stories, fairy tales, they they live in their dreams, in real life, with lights on it is not the same. Calling in Desert. Cows,Cattle, And Cattle-calls, Ready for What?...Enough for the Charmed....Game Over......Snakes in the Grass.

Castle Sales: Ship of Fools: Black Trips : Sheri Jarrot, or Rach Jay, kids will play, Rachel and Charles Jarrot, jackasses in the hills. Once long ago. Cans Short: Ship of fools, master piece of France, picture large and in room along, fools wanted meat, water and life. Odds were gone. Captain Jerk, history notes not shared about name of dick in charge. Dicks Out of Box: 333smithuritza Glory Dazes Done, Pages To Books, History Of Bumps In The Road. Snakes In Grass, Fags, Hags, Cows To Call, Faces In Shadows.Rites Stands.
Image may contain: possible text that says 'THEY CANNOT BURN us. WE WERE MADE FROM FIRE.'
End: Effects Never Dies.This is what I woke up to this glorious day that God has made .Veterans Blues, homeless cases of the earth angels, searching for hope, help and home. PTSD: Back in time, on a bike, took a frog on a date.Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Is that regret Or what the heck?, will have to Pass !Blue Skies:Sunsets Darkness.Ship of fools, master piece of France, picture large and in room along, fools wanted meat, water and life. Odds were gone. Captain Jerk, history notes not shared about name of dick in charge. 

Image may contain: flower, plant, nature, outdoor and text
 Is that regret Or what the heck?, will have to Pass !Blue Skies:Sunsets Darkness. Sunsets Daily Gifts, On the Sands Of Time, dances for joy, dances at the end of day. Sunsets on the beach, life every day. Life is a beach. Life is an adventure, joys for joy, in the setting rays, end of another day. Thanks to the sky, thanks to the sun, thanks to the gods within good times. Happy with the crossroad choices made.DIFFERENT... 💕💕💕🙏🙏💚💖😊😊😉....Fairy...Ship of fools, master piece of France, picture large and in room along, fools wanted meat, water and life. Odds were gone. Captain Jerk, history notes not shared about name of dick in charge. 
No photo description available.
Mrs Alberghetti in AP Spanish is going to do better? ONE GHOST TOO MANY! has been officially released.🎉🎉📖🎉🎉📖🎉🎉Superstars that they are, just sluts, slugs, for free rides. 😨😡🤢Notes that are normal, notes that are average,..Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms.Courage is knowing what not to fear. - Plato.Earth Angels, Birds And Butterflies, Songs Played. Daily walks. Rat Races: Daily Horse And Pony Shows.

Image may contain: possible text that says 'scream so that one day a hundred years from now another sister will not have to dry her tears wondering where in history she lost her voice. jasmin kaur'

Kings, slaves, and human cattle, battles on land and see. Big bucks from the dead, Great shot of  natural history, people are meat eaters, animals  first people on this trup. 150 in the ship, day they stared out. Lost  at seam ship crashed, floated  for weeks, they  died and we're eaten for  dinner. Hearts and kidneys, called  sweet meats, right?Castle Knights: Castle Sales: Ship of Fools: Black Trips : Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips : 
Image may contain: one or more people, possible text that says 'The world is full of monsters with friendly faces and angels fri full of scars.'
Man In Blue, Marines In Best Suit, Uncle Sam, thanks so much, G. I. Jose, military past and present. Since 1994, A Safe Haven Housing Assistance - Veteran Resources, Revamped.Round Worlds: Heaven notes, worlds to see, shapes and six stars, days under the sky. Wishes, dreams and prayers, stars out tonight. Stars bright, and stars blue, what a site toe dead. Coins for the dead, coins for the sons, coins for the frogs to see on the left sides. Black And White Matter, Notes And Tips, Noses Views. Hard Knocks, Movie Rights, good times, lost in time and space, songs to sing.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
HOW MANY OF YOU WILL RE SHARE THIS????? Please let's show the Veterans how much we care.The second amendment is"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." not just guns for militia! Please share bf our kids and grand kids lose knowledge of their own rights!
Image may contain: text
Had a moment or two in time and space to share, about my dream lover Steven Jarrot, 7608512267.... the gift from the center of the earth, love and devotion with a twist, not straight a fag hag really is the nature of this frog. Love and hate are the horns of a goat, love him or hate him for the good times, bagging shit because of a lack of running water on a RV.
Image may contain: possible text that says 'Never get so comfortable in pain that @narcandempath you forget happiness is still an option.'
Arrogance.Facetime?💓🤘🏽Wow. You're very graphic. Way to twist my words deep into me. Sorry I made you feel so strongly. A man like you. It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.STEVEN AND SHERI JARROT, 7605643510: CUM SUCKERS, BROWN NOSES, TRADES FOR TIME AND CASH, TRICKS ONLINE PIMPS.

California,Pages to turn, history to note, games with dogs, games with snakes, life and love, horns of a goat, love and hate, to change, by the minute.Wild About You.Oh what a knight, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, good time toad, Hoogie Momma on the block.Tay Tay ,Shastia Brenagh . STEVEN AND SHERI JARROT, Snake in the grass or bullfrog, or just a bi guy,Rachel Jarrot or Rocky the fag hag, California Cow or Colorado ...Arrogance.Facetime?💓🤘🏽Wow. You're very graphic. Way to twist my words deep into me. Sorry I made you feel so strongly. A man like you. It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.STEVEN AND SHERI JARROT, 7605643510: CUM SUCKERS, BROWN NOSES, TRADES FOR TIME AND CASH, TRICKS ONLINE PIMPS. 

No photo description available.

According to my community, If I speak proper English, I’m acting “white” If I dress with class, I’m acting “white”If I educate myself, I’m acting “white” My question to people who say this is,”Why do you associate being black with being a failure?”

The Media has a big responsibility to life and safety in our Country. Fake News has contributed greatly to the anger and rage that has built up over many years.News coverage has got to start being fair, balanced and unbiased, or these terrible problems will only get worse!

HOW MANY OF YOU WILL RE SHARE THIS????? Please let's show the Veterans how much we care.The second amendment is"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State.
Frogs, freaks, fools, views of the duck in the right house: the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." not just guns for militia! Please share bf our kids and grand kids lose knowledge of their own rights!

Movies  to tell the stormy story, winds to blow, cats with nine lives:  not  sure about that, you can look it up. Picture for  sale, how much is that picture worth. That size, that picture 10 xoxo 10, model size, practice picture just like that one $600 Million American dollars, ball park guess will do.Castle Knights: Castle Sales: Ship of Fools: Black Trips : 

Family gifts, picture the last gift of dead, in Washington State, or California, does  not pay  yet to be sure of location, autumn's no good, starting  bidding,  betting, for  that model of  that picture: $600 million Americans dollars for  Spanish knights  of church. Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips : Cat or lick, Jesus Christ, monkey in tree, can say right  words, brain farts. Back later to expand.....Time to wright, sands on time, coins in hand, cards on table, frog poker played, in layers 2  lies tricks to trade.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips : 

Good times for chucks, ducks and frogs mama' s boys. 2ND in family tales, mother has third eye open, kids in the dark. Only son, back at moms house, 55 years old, 6 kids from decades of fucks, one wife, with six happy childhood stories. Mothers and kids. Mothers to trade, mothers in heavenm for the young and dead babes.Castle Knights: Castle Sales: Ship of Fools: Black Trips : Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips : 

Hanks to pitchers in line, five fingers to each hand, show contact info butt lubed up, catcher for dicks, couple's party, dicks t8 cum, balls in the air. Castle Knights: Castle Sales: Ship of Fools: Black Trips : 
Time in the sky, time in the house on the hill, homes to long and sedated, kings alone, dead wives, bones in boxes, knights to fight. Ages over time, in the decades, thirty and fifty five, ages of knights, pros and cons, kings alone, searching for lovers. Answers of birds and bees, toys and young at heart, boys and their steins. Horse and pony shows, frogs and snakes, fairy tales. Searches for true love, songs of the day, good times.

Tom and Jerry, good times, cartoon network, cat and mouse, hits online, time to go. Dates online, special notes of guys of interest, sinners and saints, bumps in the road, jokes and laughter, fun and games, classes on the beach, tails away from home, nappy days

Fairy tales, my tip from many more, others that kissed frogs also. Monkey tales, birds and bees, in the dogwood trees. Games to play, animals to dodge, seven little men in the woods, freaks out to lie, to cheat, searching  for prey: twin, not a day older, still have truck, still chasing dimes. Friends once, back in the day, shame and disgress after dark.

Notes of another, frogs kissed one day, Daisy, Rachel, or Sima Jarrot, back in the day, friends for a season. Third party views, part of time and space share, right or wrong. Here is a story, happen some time last year, you were in the middle of some project. Met you in riverside, home depot, in the parking lot. It was nice, you liked my form, brown sugar in the sun.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :

Happy recaps, frog or fish to date. Bet you lost my number, this is the third time you have answered my ad, you keep coming back. You are so young, you and your twin, forgot his name. You 420 grower now? Got place now, in riverside, have a couch to pick up today, looking on craigslist for a driver with a truck, and you answered my ad. What are the odds?Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :

Online hits and misses, time to sail, dreams on ship of hope. Fairy tales, castles and knights. Good times, last ride, horse and pony shows, happy dazes again. Met a guy, 6 foot 2, 55 years old, 6 kids, grown and out the house, left wife of 25 years. Cowboy in white hate, cowboy to ride, cowboy in battles of time and space notes to share, my state of matters of the heart, window open in my world.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :

Doors open for trips to the moon, practice pony runs, have a truck to move couch, step in the door, let me know. Have 420 grower in hand, $190 for oz, middle grade, buds loose, have 2 oz on hand $380 for both, want to buy, or know some one that can? Handy man, blow job in the truck you had then, sorry about that, was a thing in my head to play out. Never heard from you after that, so thats where we are. My story to follow about what i think about, you can check it out.

Patty Duke: Updates: moving on, got car back, Frank picked me up yesterday, drove  out to Huntington  beach, and brought  it back. Another on my list to do done. Small miracle for me. Now Frank wants to live here. That's not going to work. Frank lives off the sky, the universe student of hard knocks. Can do better than that, notes to share with you.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :

Tell me what you think, so what you read my emails, can you tell me how you feel instead. Mad of few words, pain you live everyday, battles and wars, on top another day. My giant out in the wars, battles on land to see, sails set to sail away, balls bonding in my head. Pirate king, Peter pan, captain hook, out to steal, out to take, balls of fire in the air, battles won. Giant cowboy, giant good guy in white hat, fighter for rights, fighter for more cash.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :

Image result for book of shadows: charmed witches

Love and honor, hate and love, peace and love here hanging on the wall, took a picture, life with you. The sun, the moon, peace and love cased in black, castle to share, cranes to fly to good times on water. The busy wall in the house, the signs of love, peace, and understanding. Notes on the wall with you, the life we have, our fairy tale.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
Image may contain: possible text that says 'If you don't know women who have been sexually abused it's because they don't trust you enough to tell you about it.'
 Have more to write at a latter time or two. Peace, love and understanding, me a wonderful woman, your prize, your treat in old age, cum today, cum tomorrow, cum when done at the wars.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips : Love you today, dreams of loving more, maybe tomorrow, dreams in actions to cum true.Dicks Out of Box: 333smithuritza Glory Dazes Done, Pages To Books, History Of Bumps In The Road. Snakes In Grass, Fags, Hags, Cows To Call, Faces In Shadows.Rites Stands.


  1. Sheri Gerstein-Jarrot, 53 view details Palm Desert, CA
    Share this:



    Known also Sheri Jarrot Sheri Beth Gerstein Sheri B Gerstein Sheri B Jarrot Sheri Gerstein Jarrot Sheri G Jarrot

    Lived in Palm Desert, CA La Quinta, CA Glendora, CA Los Angeles, CA Palm Springs, CA

  2. Not sure why this would matter unless this is the data available on your or someone you may know? not sure what to do with this, would like to know who they are?Stories are to be share to prevent same mistakes from being repeated. Cycle,Season,Reason or a cause to the paths that are crossed during a life time.

  3. Not a life to dream about, nightmare still on trip to hell with hell hounds. Had a boyfriend once that was into the RV camping, drugs, sex and rock and roll, Steven Jay Jarrot, 7608512267- the oral expert of craigslist, and the tricks and trades that rule his world. Hated the life being stuck in parking lots waiting for the cash, asses, or 420 grass to trade for the things that we needed. It was not enough the $600 a month for going to the doctors, spend way to much money on nothing. Had a lot of bumps in the road, and third party views that rocked the glass house that we lived in, RV camping for years.

  4. This is it, the wrap up is in place, and we are pulling the ropes tighter, so the time is ripe for the big dreams. This is a recap of the dream that was started years ago, and it kind of burned out because the next step could not be taken. There are always plans in place, just do not have the time and attention to all the things that matter, because it has not been addressed yet. We have to take a few minutes to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly parts in order to see the larger picture, and all the events that are going on now and then.

    Change is something that I do not have a problem with, it is also about growth. Not ready to push up daisies, and do not have time to sleep until I am buried. So the work has to be done, and the peter piper is the first one out, to sing and dance and be the leader for the next group of people in place for greatness.

  5. Chemistry cannot be measured by scan and swipe.One view online: behavioral scientist and author of the relationship blog, You're Just A Dumbass, tells Bustle. "Chemistry requires face-to-face interaction because it is a neurochemical process that is occurring and requires us to use our five senses to evaluate social cues." Blue Oceans, Blue Skies, Blue Dreams On The Water, Black And Blue Knights. Alone In The End. Changes in the air, chicks, babes, and dames, tips to keep a lover, friend, or family member, coins to flip. Sons, knights, kings, stars born every day, baby boomers to note, over the rainbows, pots of gold in the house, retired, and relaxed, dreams of boats on the piers, castles to call home, hits and misses, winners and losers, players of the games of love and hate, dances on the beaches, dances in the night, good times to share.... dances on the sands of time, fairy in the light of day.

  6. Walks Nights : Cows out tonight, Eleplants and calfs in the wild, green lights, stars to shine. Dates in the wild, dates in the dark, dates on the beach with a snake. Snakes in dens, snakes under the skins, faces in the mirror to watch. Cows on land, cows in the wild, tales of monkeys out to eat. ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. TRIPS TO HELL, WITH HELL HOUNDS. TIME ON CROSS WITH CROOKS AND ROBBERS. 

    Land whales, frogs and freaks, horse and pony shows. Rats and snakes in the wind, monkeys swinging on dogwood trees. Good times to share, songs to sing, dances in the dark, with the stars out tonight. Gifts of joys and pains, saint and sinners stains, jokes on clowns, laughter on boats.

    Ships of dreams, ships of fools, songs to sing, sailing the seven seas. Wishes, dreams and prayers to float, angels on lands and see, mistakes corrected or not. Lessons on the beach, classes in the heat, sunny and bright sinners and saints. ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. TRIPS TO HELL, WITH HELL HOUNDS. TIME ON CROSS WITH CROOKS AND ROBBERS. 

    Fires on the shores of time, fires build on the beach, fish and frogs to eat. Happy dazes again, glory dazes done, fires on the beach, food and fun. Thanks in songs and dances, hands to wave in the air, thanks and praises done. Gifts of tips, gifts of tales to share, in the end only things left.ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. TRIPS TO HELL, WITH HELL HOUNDS. TIME ON CROSS WITH CROOKS AND ROBBERS. 

    Good wills, free wills, and last wills to take, to tell what life was all about. Tricks and trades with the Jewish dead, suckers undead and unstable, dogs and frogs, lessons to learn, life on a beach. Joys and pleasures sites to see, in the end, bright lights on the other side. Dead, bones in a box to bury, donkeys and monkeys to spare, joys and laughter, dances to dead. ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION. TRIPS TO HELL, WITH HELL HOUNDS. TIME ON CROSS WITH CROOKS AND ROBBERS. 

  7. Another example of the yellow snakes at work, snake dens full of the low standards, lights out to fool others. Snake in grass, delete the history in one place, no all the places where data was stored, big pictures out of focus here. Why delete history of one or many mental, confused and displace veteran, because you had to create more lies for questions asked, or because you hate the view that you display on some level. Liars, crooks, cheaters, cum suckers, used car sells, junk seller all day long, drug dealer, pimp, poker poker, snake charmer, Jewish White Loads, Jewish Turkey, Cuban Transplants, words used to describe or talk about this family. Their views of themselves is a little different for their actions and deeds, it is all good, love and hate, the horns of a goat, biblical stories, fairy tales, they they live in their dreams, in real life, with lights on it is not the same. Calling in Desert. Cows,Cattle, And Cattle-calls, Ready for What?...Enough for the Charmed....Game Over......Snakes in the Grass


  8. Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:😎🌊🌊🏄Stronger for the classes.Black, White, Wholes In Glory dazes to order, sons to shine, earth angels with skills, hands to hearts, hands to help, lights to turn on. Looking for contractors or subcontractors in need of space for their shops in the Idaho Falls area. Ready by August 2017!Fallen Angels.

  9. Cheers, And Chaps, Cali Dreamers, Surfers, Skaters, Good In Sweet, Ms 411, History Not News Today. Lions Roar. Earth Angels Giants To Find.Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:😎🌊🌊🏄Stronger for the classes.Black, White, Wholes In Glory dazes to order, sons to shine, earth angels with skills, hands to hearts, hands to help, lights to turn on. Looking for contractors or subcontractors in need of space for their shops in the Idaho Falls area.

    😎🌊🌊🏄Stronger for the classes.Tails.Mother Goose, Jesus Christ, Great day on the right side, wonderful day to be alive, hopes flames burning bright, dreams in actions, desires out in air, goodness and mercy, angels to catch. Balls and bats, witches and spells, cats and rats, races to death.Adam Van Monkey-Hanuman Pigs, Hogs, Hoes, Horns To Blast, Cows To Call.Excuses,Twisted Sisters,Coins Flip:Battles Won. Heads Up, Cheers, And Chaps, Cali Dreamers, Surfers, Skaters, Good In Sweet, Ms 411, History Not News Today. Lions Roar. Earth Angels Giants To Find.


ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Tales on land and beaches on sands of time. Burn and bake snakes for boots.

  Red Dates, changes to the event, tomorrow, on the 12th, just to let you know, have to tell the others, fun and games, good times, family a...