Humans evolved from other species.
Good evening. I am looking for a connection, conversation, and chemistry, shots in the dark, woman for man.I know, but here I am.I simply desire to talk to another soul about our lives, thoughts, experiences, fears, loves, goals, and anything else. I am a 55 plus:woman who enjoys writing and getting to know others through it. I don’t seek sex or anything physical. I do ask :you’re single?If you like to write, like getting to know another person, please feel free to write to me. A lifestyle is what you pay for; a life is what pays you. ~ Thomas Leonard .
Few "Things" will impress me. I don't mind sharing photos but I'm not going to begin that way as I am not looking to form a thin skin superficial opinion based on outer appearance.GREAT: Communication, Sincere, Humor, Interest, Truthful, Respectful, Thoughtful, Kind, Caring, Loving to build a lasting fun happy relationship now.
What will attract me will be what's between your ears and within your heart. Like actual conversation and telling of bad jokes:) ok maybe a few good jokes mixed in. Connectivity, compatibility, and character hold more weight and value to me.It's that simple.I'm a product of my past, not my future.I do hope to hear from you. Wow that took forever”. PERSONAL RECORD!Black, Cali Babe, girl next door, heads above common crazy, 55 plus, Riverside County, visits to Disneyland, every week, searching for a man, giant on land, retired, wits, charms, graces, lion to roar, across the decades, are you the one?
GREAT: Communication, Sincere, Humor, Interest, Truthful, Respectful, Thoughtful, Kind, Caring, Loving to build a lasting fun happy relationship now. So come on, let's take a chance!
I am seeking someone long term and someone who can converse very well.Stats, age, how tall, retired from what, questions between us now.Hats to wear and universes to travel to.Hi and Happy:Signs and wonders, roads to cross, paths to travel, High Hats, roles played, over time.Connection, Conversation, Chemistry, it would be nice, wits, charms, graces, giant online, retired from the races for bucks, are you the one...
Few "Things" will impress me. I don't mind sharing photos but I'm not going to begin that way as I am not looking to form a thin skin superficial opinion based on outer appearance.GREAT: Communication, Sincere, Humor, Interest, Truthful, Respectful, Thoughtful, Kind, Caring, Loving to build a lasting fun happy relationship now.
What will attract me will be what's between your ears and within your heart. Like actual conversation and telling of bad jokes:) ok maybe a few good jokes mixed in. Connectivity, compatibility, and character hold more weight and value to me.It's that simple.I'm a product of my past, not my future.I do hope to hear from you. Wow that took forever”. PERSONAL RECORD!Black, Cali Babe, girl next door, heads above common crazy, 55 plus, Riverside County, visits to Disneyland, every week, searching for a man, giant on land, retired, wits, charms, graces, lion to roar, across the decades, are you the one?
GREAT: Communication, Sincere, Humor, Interest, Truthful, Respectful, Thoughtful, Kind, Caring, Loving to build a lasting fun happy relationship now. So come on, let's take a chance!
I am seeking someone long term and someone who can converse very well.Stats, age, how tall, retired from what, questions between us now.Hats to wear and universes to travel to.Hi and Happy:Signs and wonders, roads to cross, paths to travel, High Hats, roles played, over time.Connection, Conversation, Chemistry, it would be nice, wits, charms, graces, giant online, retired from the races for bucks, are you the one...
You've asked and said volumes. Who do I trust, you ask?. "No one" I reply, "except our Creator Yahweh and His Son Yahshua!" Why? Because like many, I too have been burnt hard, abandoned, let down and disappointed . You, I think are someone who may have experienced real pain and disappointment, which gives a common thread. Yup, Welcome to the club. To understand it you must know it, to know it you must experience it, otherwise you've never felt it's bitter cold empty bite. Situation is not so unique from others. Wtf did this mean Im so curious.
Who Do You Trust? One nut to stand, woods to grow, stories told around the world. Sheep and goats, tales of lovers, tales of donkeys and sluts for free rides. Jewish Wales on the beaches.Stats to share, dead veterans every day 22 daily counts: veterans sad and blue...
Can we try that. Friendship again.Happy to share the time and the space, classes in the woods, classes on the beach, fires of hopes burning bright. Pictures and views in other worlds, hopes and dreams for more and better, trips to the moon, trips to heaven and back. In my father's house, castles in the sky, we all have one, the different to note from mansions.
Lived, had a life that is slipping away. Spend more time in pain than not, which lets me know I'm still alive, but that is life. I've often said if you're not hurting, you're not living. As for myself. I've lived. I've been around. Made a hell of a lot more mistakes in life than most. Which is probably how I learned to do some things right. Not saying all things, just some things. Married and divorced four times. No children. Ended a 12 year relationship over a year ago when my health went bad.
Once your health goes, so does your wealth. Experienced a life threatening medical episode and she just stood there and did nothing but watch me go out. When I recovered I asked why she did nothing to help. Got told it was not her problem. Wtf did this mean Im so curious.
That was when I left. Gave her the condo paid for, bills paid and exited stage left. Relocated to my brother's here in Lake Elsinore where he has me in his motor-home receiving hospice services until I can get into a place of my own, which should be next month. I'm buying a place outside of Temecula through the VA. Yup, I'm a handicapped disabled senior vet. Pix's are 01/01/2015 last time I got lucky... So tell me about you? Talk to me...:) Doug .
Sorry about the little break. I had a tooth break and needed a ride to Walmart to get something to fix it until I can get down to Loma Linda. Ouch. Wow. You sound like the girl of my dreams. I write. Always on the board. Once upon a time I practiced a little law and my goal is to write my book. Everybody has a story to tell. I have mine...:) Pleasure to meet you. As for marital status I am a four time loser. Four marriages and four divorces. No kids. Last relationship went 12 years.
Should have only lasted 12 days. Sure would have been better if it had...:) Although appearances are important they are not everything. Its the person and not what they look like. Find the right one and its showtime, full or good feelings and things. Find the wrong one and its nightmare on elm street stuff. Sun City is not bad. I'm just putting an offer in on a place out in Anza through the VA. Seeing your a vet also and having gone through the process if you used the VA maybe you could give me some pointers seeing that is the process I am going through?
One good man to find,how hard can it be,smart, tall, strong, retired, educated, boy next door, baby boomer, heads above common.Stats, location,age, how tall, retired from what, burning trees, things to do at home, questions up in the air... Can we try again . Pages to books.🐕🌛😴😇💕💖❤I just can't live without you! Hello, mates! Welcome to I just want to be with someone No one loves me No one cares about me💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔"Mermaid Tales RP"
Where is My Mind (1988) 

See it playing, live and in color, last rites, passes to go, faces in the herds. Donkeys in the hills, jackasses in real life, family matters, strangers to friends, it could happen, spring into summer, dances in the streets. Circles Of Life. (Palm Springs)

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