Charmed, I’m pretty sure she’s not. Comedy Pilot The Unicorn RECOMMENDED BY Comments are monitored, so don’t go off topic, don’t frakkin’ curse and don’t bore us with how much your coworker’s sister-in-law makes per hour. Talk smart about TV!

Wake the Hell Up!Here And Now. GO FUCK YOURSELF.I never try to make any of the regular people jealous. I know we can't all be eagles. The world needs bugs and critters too. That's why I respect everyone and I never judge.FEELS GOOD!💘🌴(pun intended)March to May ISSUE🚨📸: 👗: 💄: 💇🏼:Full Sail University.

Horns to sound, goat and sheep, dazes in hell, dazes on the cross, sunny and bright, stars to shine at night. In to the woods, into the dark, angels and fairies to fall in the snakes. Games in skins, faces to changes, seasons and causes to do, hands to play, classes to pass, over time and space, good times, balls in the air. Tips of a knight, on a kings quest, find the lady in waiting, gems of love, love my gems, gifts to share. Love and kids, goats and sheep, hairs gone, turkeys without hares, hunts for the best.

3 Hard Knocks: Schools, Classes, Lessons Learned: Dates.SHOUT OUT TO OUR TROOPS!Wake the Hell Up!Here And Now. GO FUCK YOURSELF.I never try to make any of the regular people jealous. I know we can't all be eagles. The world needs bugs and critters too. That's why I respect everyone and I never judge.FEELS GOOD!💘🌴(pun intended)Happy for a new day, and more lights of the periods on the cross, thankful for the lessons learned. will have to give thanks for family.
These boots are beaut❤️

Holidays, Birthdays, Great Days Daily, Pages To Books, Birds And Bees, Songs On Winds. 😎🌴👍👊Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:😎🌊🌊🏄Stronger for the classes on love and devotion.😎🌴👍👊This must be the first step..."Usen, we ask for your blessing to guide our current and future leadership so that our children and the unborn will inherit our Apache Way of Life.... Wendsler Nosie Sr.HOOP DREAMS...these little boys love them some basketball 🏀Ha, ha....exactly, back to bed........lol.

Have you ever heard someone say they don’t want to be a Christian because Christians are too authentic? 🤔 Me Neither. Pursue Authenticity. Blame who: Fags to flags, Jewish Rites, Hats and horns, sheep and goat, songs to sing, blame others, fingers to points. Joys and pains, bumps in the road, sheep and wolves, snakes in dens, hopes to burn, dances on the sands of time, lovers and haters, sinners and saints.Happy for a new day, and more lights of the periods on the cross, thankful for the lessons learned. will have to give thanks for family.HOOP DREAMS...these little boys love them some basketball 🏀Ha, ha....exactly, back to bed........lol.
To change written history, lots of luck, hidden messages to find. Beaches and Dreams: Good times, goodness and mercy angels to see, parties players, in the sun, bright lights, birds and bees, Turkeys, American Toads, American Birds, fingers to hands, sit and spin, friends and Land Whales, history online, snake in grass stories to share, good time to sing, good time to dance.Happy for a new day, and more lights of the periods on the cross, thankful for the lessons learned. will have to give thanks for family.
AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE -Live and learn, stories to share, lots of hard knocks, dates with RV campers.Fingers in the air, blame who, goats and sheep, tales told, Steven, Sheri, Sima, Rachel, Charles R., Jackie, all crooks, all liars, all robbers, cows to run, rats to races, goats to go, hats and horns. Hits and misses, goats and sheep, dazes of lovers, dazes of donkeys and free rides. 💥 A New Year, A New Season 💥 Ha, ha....exactly........lol. I hope you all had a great Easter weekend! HOOP DREAMS...these little boys love them some basketball 🏀Ha, ha....exactly, back to bed........lol.

Freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass, each of them, hats and wigs, to hide the horns, love and hate, horns on one goat. Coins to flip, cash in hand, dicks in lines, ways of the cows, dicks to suck, day jobs, nuts on the run. Blow jobs for the pimps, Sima and Sheri, Steven and Rachel Jarrot, movies to make of all the action. Dicks in lines, lots of them, tricks and trades for the gas, in the RV. Stuck for dazes in the parking lot. 💥 A New Year, A New Season 💥 Ha, ha....exactly........lol. I hope you all had a great Easter weekend! HOOP DREAMS...these little boys love them some basketball 🏀Ha, ha....exactly, back to bed........lol.
Starbucks for bath, lots of hot water in Ventura, hits and misses, for a freak, for a frog or two, dream lives on the beaches. Lovers and haters, on the day of rebirth or the 18th, for all the others, and it was about the fish fry that was going to happen, on that day. It was a day set for fun and games, and we had to hurry to make sure that we had first choices for the clothes for the parties on board the ship. REALLY NEED A MATURE MAN.Freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass, each of them, hats and wigs, to hide the horns, love and hate, horns on one goat.
Wake the Hell Up!Here And Now. GO FUCK YOURSELF.I never try to make any of the regular people jealous. I know we can't all be eagles. The world needs bugs and critters too. That's why I respect everyone and I never judge.FEELS GOOD!💘🌴(pun intended)March to May ISSUE🚨📸: 👗: 💄: 💇🏼:Full Sail University❤️These boots are beaut❤️ Holidays, Birthdays, Great Days Daily, Pages To Books, Birds And Bees, Songs On Winds. 😎🌴👍👊
Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:😎🌊🌊🏄Stronger for the classes on love and devotion.😎🌴👍👊This must be the first step..."Usen, we ask for your blessing to guide our current and future leadership so that our children and the unborn will inherit our Apache Way of Life.... Wendsler Nosie Sr.REALLY NEED A MATURE MAN.Freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass, each of them, hats and wigs, to hide the horns, love and hate, horns on one goat.

AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE -Live and learn, stories to share, lots of hard knocks, dates with RV campers.Just happy for dazes to change, dances in the wind on the beaches, on the boats good times. Cat and mouse games, cartoon kings, my vote to note. Cartoon Movies: Girls on beach, girls with red hoods, into the woods, fairy tales, cartoon dykes. Monkeys and frogs on green branches, dogwood trees in the woods, frogs and freaks, cartoon dykes to swing. Jokes and laughs, joys and pains, cows and buffalo, snakes in grass to pass. Fruits and nuts, suckers two, tricks and trades, in the woods.REALLY NEED A MATURE MAN.Freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass, each of them, hats and wigs, to hide the horns, love and hate, horns on one goat.

AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE -Live and learn, stories to share, lots of hard knocks, dates with RV campers.REALLY NEED A MATURE MAN.Freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass, each of them, hats and wigs, to hide the horns, love and hate, horns on one goat. 💥 A New Year, A New Season 💥 Ha, ha....exactly........lol. I hope you all had a great Easter weekend!
Excuses, blame games, frogs and snakes, fingers pointed, back at me. Faces in the mirror, sunny and bright, things to tell myself, good person, most of the time. To help, to assist others, my life in service, for the old and elderly first. Frogs in groups, called an army, notes to share, about frogs, not fish. 😂 😴 Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please.Cattle To Call, Wales On Land.
AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE -Live and learn, stories to share, lots of hard knocks, dates with RV campers.Just happy for dazes to change, dances in the wind on the beaches, on the boats good times. Cat and mouse games, cartoon kings, my vote to note. Cartoon Movies: Girls on beach, girls with red hoods, into the woods, fairy tales, cartoon dykes. Monkeys and frogs on green branches, dogwood trees in the woods, frogs and freaks, cartoon dykes to swing. Jokes and laughs, joys and pains, cows and buffalo, snakes in grass to pass. Fruits and nuts, suckers two, tricks and trades, in the woods.REALLY NEED A MATURE MAN.Freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass, each of them, hats and wigs, to hide the horns, love and hate, horns on one goat.

Veterans Housing Matters: Cash On Table: Mindset Of The Damage Veterans: Homeless Blues: Credit Issues, Cash No Credit: Out On Streets. Hotels, Motels For Sale: Veterans Blue Oceans To Create: Fingers To Hands: Searches To Complete: Locations To Build, Located, Acquired. Monkeys To Fingers, Hands To Hold, Hands To Help, Help To Build Something. Homes. Houses. Veterans Homeless Blues:Ways To Go, Houses, Homes, Veterans On The Streets, Getting Up, Battles To Win. 💥 A New Year, A New Season 💥 Ha, ha....exactly........lol. I hope you all had a great Easter weekend!

AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE -Live and learn, stories to share, lots of hard knocks, dates with RV campers.REALLY NEED A MATURE MAN.Freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass, each of them, hats and wigs, to hide the horns, love and hate, horns on one goat. 💥 A New Year, A New Season 💥 Ha, ha....exactly........lol. I hope you all had a great Easter weekend!

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