Yesterday, History Now. You Are Enough” and other gems to love, pebbles on the sands of time, dances on the shores, good time told, pages to go.I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of the decisions I make.No Time To Check Time📽🎙🏎💰GO LIONS.Where There's A Will... There's A Way.
Fat cats, fat Jewish Wide Whales, tales to share, time to tell, kisses of a frog or two. Stories, blogs, tips recorded online, history in the making, classes on love and hate. Shore to sands, sailors to waves, ships of dreams to sail, ready set to cope. Ways to go, to learn need things to build blue oceans, deep blue seas, of fish and frogs, out to make things happen. Have a friend or two, have been making plans, to create a better life. Pages to turn, books to write, books to review.
Changes today, and more to do, games all day, tips from snakes, to go back on the corner. Not much growth has been done, not time to say hi, chats were out. Life of a poker player, liar and cheater, dream life that he has. House on wheel, not sure, my first guess would said, a RV camper for life.
Life at the bottom, life on wheels, drive to the beach for the sunny hours, out by 10 pm. Dream life to share, days on the beach, the RV way. Without a house, without a house build of sticks, on house in that RV, what a joy, that kind of life it is. Had a moment to spare, stuck in another time period, everything a about our lives were wrong, the lover of a life time, not the same as true love.
Hits online, charms and wits, written views, just like noses, do you have one, on your place? Nothing like third party views, parts to play, role players, sinners and saints. Ways to grow, ways to expand, ways to see the sun shine, over again, back to square one. Good times, homes to houses, veterans lost and confused. Homeless for awhile, saved by a Jewish Land Whale, my daddy, the bitch, Steven Jarrot. Bitch without a dick, lots of fun, oral talents to trade, sex on the beaches.
Once long ago, in a dark dream, went to get a free ride, to the doctors for awhile, found a snake for a minute. Found a frog to hop alone with me, with my mother and I, had the aunts also to go. Went though a lot of paperwork. In the end, it was a blink of an eye, life in the grave was over, for all of us. Lots of lies, lots of love, lots of laughs, tales online, stories to share, cat and mouse, cartoons shows. Pages to turn, stories to read, books to create, monkeys on a tree. Games of rats and men, rats racing for more cash daily, events for the here and now.
Dark Knights,Tales told..... - w4m (Warm Sands) ...Ask For Dreams To Dramas, Dancing Dreams, Blue Star Steel, Veterans Housing Matters. Snakes in Grass: Dicks and Dawgs: Fags Out Of Box: Laughs Online - Back in time, back in space, gifts of time was spent, marking time, playing dead. Shark eaten by land whales, flipped and eaten alive, for the earth angel lost in time, broken wings to go with broken heart, hopes to burning, lights still on.
Time to take life back, out of the clouds in the sky, angel dust, speed, and meth, words to work, all the same, faces on coins, faces on cards, wild cards, snakes in grass. Trips to hell and back, how to get back up, love and devotion with a twist, truthful and honesty, used for punch lines. Lives to tales, history online, started, in 2011, had a... more »
Donkeys in Hills: Thugs Dated: Life in the shadows, life in the dark, to fail, time and time again, hard life to live. Thugs in the streets, trugs in the songs, sad stories, of boys that that turn out wrong. Guns to eat, guns to food, thugs with guns, nowhere near is the place to be. Life in the darkness, live in black, under the cherry moons. Say sorry for the life of a thug, searching for love and respect, to take for the weak, steal and rob, prey in site, the thugs way.....
Charles R Jarrot Credit Offices - Partners in crimes. Lovers and haters,

Charles R Jarrot Credit Offices - Partners in crimes. Lovers and haters, cheaters.....
History doesn't change but every 4 years if not ....sooner!Looking back on the way things are, and the way they were, I would like to have, or be, over time, the right hand babe, sister in shades, the future is so bright, have a plan.
IT'S SHITTY.Steven Jarrot, pimp on call, 7608512267:TO YOU NOW, BITCH!.. Rach Jay, Sheri and Sima Jarrot. Rachel And Charlie Jarrot-2...THE TALKING GIBBERISH.Wants to get her kitty licked. Sucked and Kissed with nsa . 760 -851-2267 NOW?Steven Jay Jarrot, the snake?GDLKG BI MALE ...Snakes in the Grass: Let's Define a fag...THINGS ARE GREAT.Mother Goose, Jesus Christ, Cows, cattle, hippos, and land whales, fuck for time of day, lovers and haters:
My Future in the Media World: Cows, pigs and hogs do fly, Rachel Jarrot, role model, "Mean Girl" groupie, movies to make, bitches in heat, tricks and trade, lots of jokes, to live, parts to play, in her head. Uncertain, but certainly exciting....Posted by Rachel Jarrot
I just ordered 47 copies of this amazing book, to hand out to some of my "Thirstest" female friends for Christmas. Don't say that I ain't never did anything for you, it explains about CHILD SUPPORT and everything. Other related titles:
THINGS ARE GREAT.Mother Goose, Jesus Christ, Cows, cattle, hippos, and land whales, fuck for time of day, lovers and haters:My Future in the Media World: Cows, pigs and hogs do fly, Rachel Jarrot, role model, "Mean Girl" groupie, movies to make, bitches in heat, tricks and trade, lots of jokes, to live, parts to play, in her head. Uncertain, but certainly exciting....Posted by Rachel Jarrot 3 Hard Knocks: Schools, Classes, Lessons Learned: Dates. Emotional Connection | Psychology Today,Im do - But emotional intimacy is just as important to a relationship.SHOUT OUT TO OUR TROOPS!Waters Seas and Paths Taken. Ocean Ends: Time of our lives, the best is yet to come, take my hand, we are half way there, living on a prayer. I am learning. 3 Hard Knocks: Schools, Classes, Lessons Learned: Dates. Emotional Connection | Psychology Today
Prayers and songs to sing, jumps for joy, jump for lessons learned. Hate and love, horns to blow, hate and love horns of a goat, love and luck, dances in the air.Im down. Hello,Hola, Hi, what's up with you,crazy,normal,common, plain, simple, silly,slow,or stupid, how long , every day,coins to flip. Nuts on the run. Don't grow up, it's a trap!.. Emotional Connection | Psychology Today,Im do - But emotional intimacy is just as important to a relationship
Games of fingers out, to blame the others, family of freaks, monkeys to dodge. Monkeys in packs, donkeys in hills, dead and reborn again, frogs and fools. Wolves Hidden:100 Proof, ON .. Cards to read, signs online, tips and tales, stores of stories left behind. Jokers, clowns, dream dates, wishes on the stars at night. Emotional Connection | Psychology Today,Im do .
This Is One Reason, Why.In America.“You Are Enough” and other gems to love, pebbles on the sands of time, dances on the shores, good time told, pages to go.3 Hard Knocks: Schools, Classes, Lessons Learned: Dates.
- But emotional intimacy is just as important to a relationship.Classes of people without class, donkeys in the herds of cattle to call, frogs, snakes, and freaks out .Nuts on the run. Don't grow up, it's a trap!.. Emotional Connection | Psychology Today,Im do - But emotional intimacy is just as important to a relationship.History doesn't change but every 4 years if not ....sooner!Looking back on the way things are, and the way they were, I would like to have, or be, over time, the right hand babe, sister in shades, the future is so bright, have a plan.
Hollywood Hits, Movies With Great Views, Life On The Water.Plenty Of Fish In The Seas. : Day of Rebirth...Jewish White land whales, crooks ... Hats and horns, three left turns, back to the starting lines, back to square one, lessons to learn, dicks and dogs, bitches in heat. Lovers and haters, cows and cattle, dicks and dogs, out of the box, out of the bag.Telling the Truth is a Crime.Article by Dr. Mark Sircus. Yikes! Waves And Learners. .So many times I have experienced that same setting 🏄😎.
Journalists Are Prostitutes Article by Paul Craig Roberts.Or so the woke media tell us. Article by Graham Dockers.You Stuck. In Parts. Ready for the Manners Series: Manners For Millions- Kissed a…😎😎😎🤗🤗🤗😠😠😠😠frog. Hater, sucker for free rides. Drugs ruled for 51 years. 2 wives, 6 kids, retards, rednecks,returns to the baskets of shit, dung and fecal matter. In the middle of the knight, the faces come out of the dark, sisters of mind, sisters in shades of delight, hopes and wishes dashed, snakes in the grass, under the surfaces.
Just a dream, life spent in a RV for home, not for most of the people I know. In your world this is a dream life of a fish, frog, or fairy, another question up in the air. Back in the day, lovers and hates, hats to wear, jackasses in the valleys, good times, bumps in the road. #MyMotto.......cause no one will know your struggles like you do, so when you reach a goals.Down to earth...
I'm in let me see you sexy.The Snowflake Barons They’re eating each other, says Mytheos Holt.Mirror Moments.I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks.
Because I want to talk over the phone with you and hear your voice? Because I want to spend time with you do anything and everything we can think of?!?!?! Road trips. Dinner. Movies. Etc.
Birds And Bees:Fairy Tales Recaps.Charmed, I’m pretty sure she’s not. Comedy Pilot The Unicorn RECOMMENDED BY Comments are monitored, so don’t go off topic, don’t frakkin’ curse and don’t bore us with how much your coworker’s sister-in-law makes per hour. Talk smart about TV!How do you touch someone's soul who doesn't want to be reached .
Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms.Courage is knowing what not to fear. - http://Plato.Earth Angels, Birds And Butterflies, Songs Played. Daily walks. Rat Races: Daily Horse And Pony Shows.BEAUTIFUL ANGELS !!!
Wake the Hell Up!Here And Now. GO FUCK YOURSELF.I never try to make any of the regular people jealous. I know we can't all be eagles. The world needs bugs and critters too. That's why I respect everyone and I never judge.FEELS GOOD!💘🌴(pun intended)March to May ISSUE🚨📸: 👗: 💄: 💇🏼:Full Sail University❤️These boots are beaut❤️How do you touch someone's soul who doesn't want to be reached .
There was the dislike for the people that ruled his world, Danny George the master of the clouds in the sky, and he has the dental work to show for it, and the lack of interest to change that fact, other than to attack the food he eats with just four teeth yet. Zoom - Commodores.Hard Knocks Schools. Goats With Horns: Love, Hate: 🎈🎉Happy Birthday ,💛🐦

Holidays, Birthdays, Great Days Daily, Pages To Books, Birds And Bees, Songs On Winds. 😎🌴👍👊Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:😎🌊🌊🏄Stronger for the classes on love and devotion.😎🌴👍👊This must be the first step..."Usen, we ask for your blessing to guide our current and future leadership so that our children and the unborn will inherit our Apache Way of Life.... Wendsler Nosie Sr.How do you touch someone's soul who doesn't want to be reached
3 Hard Knocks: Schools, Classes, Lessons Learned: Dates.Heads up, cheers, and many more, over the rainbows, birds and bees, songs in the dogwood trees, eyes of the tiger, year of the dog, who let the dogs out. Titaness Rises - 🌹💖👍😎 People beware: The Basic Bitch Life.""No one sees his own hunchback."" ~ Yiddish Proverb"Good And Sweet Tips: Good Times: Daily Dances. Waves, Rocks, Snakes And Bugs In The Flowers. Birds And Bees:Fairy Tales Recaps.Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms.Courage is knowing what not to fear. - http://Plato.Earth Angels, Birds And Butterflies, Songs Played. Daily walks. Rat Races: Daily Horse And Pony Shows.BEAUTIFUL ANGELS !!!
Captain Hook, 🙏🏻🙌🏻🌟💖 Peter Pan, Caption Gilbert, in the yachts, on the ships ready to sail, seven seas, here we cum.🙏🏻🙌🏻🌟💖 Waves and rocks, under the surface, ships of dreams on the deep, blue seas, songs of the sharks, and songs of the mermaids, to dance on the waves.
Charmed, I’m pretty sure she’s not. Comedy Pilot The Unicorn RECOMMENDED BY Comments are monitored, so don’t go off topic, don’t frakkin’ curse and don’t bore us with how much your coworker’s sister-in-law makes per hour. Talk smart about TV!
Comments are monitored, so don’t go off topic, don’t frakkin’ curse and don’t bore us with how much your coworker’s sister-in-law makes per hour. Talk smart about TV!
Let’s look at Hannah, she was in a small town in Pinedale, Texas for so long, and she had all the attention from her father, and six brothers, and now she is finally on her own. She has been so used to being the center of attention being the seventh kid, of a seventh kid, and the only girl also. She is the one that won the contest to learn how to become a clef at the top school in the country. She had a full boat scholarship that also came with an internship for the whole time in Harvard if she could keep the grades up.
Age, how tall, location, retired from what, heads to count, men and mice, cartoon hits for decades, normal, sane, common cattle calls. Views, voices, values, dimes to drop, good time toads, faces in layers, at the bottom, pebbles on the sands. Knights On Quests: Treats To Kids.Butts To Kiss, Frogs, And Dicks, Birds To Fly, Love, Luck, Lessons Over Time.
Senior woman, for senior man, where are you at, gems to find. My heart speaks. Wave of words, roles to play, hats to wear, over the bumps, coins to flip, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs in the water, in and out of time, views and noses, you have one, and so do I.

💕RED is the color that symbolizes energy and love..Woman for man, strong, smart, retired, over 60 years old, with hares left in the world, ready to try to connect, stranger to friend, it could happen here, long shots to be made. Trades. Mindset: Please be better men in the World.Knights On Quests: Treats To Kids.Butts To Kiss, Frogs, And Dicks, Birds To Fly, Love, Luck, Lessons Over Time.My heart speaks, I write, searching for a forever home.
Dreams of a warm knight, man heads above the common, are you the one. Tall, smart, strong, retired, house on the block, ready for the road trips, summer time dreams in motion. I am learning to trust the journey even if I don’t understand it. Crazy, So, that is your spin, how much is it worth, moot..Time to raise your standards, and shop elsewhere for the man of your dreams.Craigslist??? Really?!. I am learning.What are the odds, to find the only man, that I can not live with out, questions up in the air.Sunny Dazes.
Knights On Quests: Treats To Kids.Butts To Kiss, Frogs, And Dicks, Birds To Fly, Love, Luck, Lessons Over Time.My heart speaks. Wave of words, roles to play, hats to wear, over the bumps, coins to flip, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs in the water, in and out of time, views and noses, you have one, and so do I.
Knights On Quests: Treats To Kids.Butts To Kiss, Frogs, And Dicks, Birds To Fly, Love, Luck, Lessons Over Time.Urban Dictionary: lying sack of shit: Steers And Queers,Play With Steven Jarrot. Freak, Frog, Snake Tales. Rach Jay, Sima, Steven, Jackie, Sheri Charles R. Jarrot, thieves, crooks, cheaters, and liars, freaks and frogs, dances in the dark, dances with thieves in tribes.Heads, Tales, Coins To Flip, Knights Of Death, Kings Of Dream Lives, Rats To Races.
Yesterday, History Now. You Are Enough” and other gems to love, pebbles on the sands of time, dances on the shores, good time told, pages to go.I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of the decisions I make.No Time To Check Time📽🎙🏎💰GO LIONS.Where There's A Will... There's A Way.
🐔🐖 Beautiful Lords and ladies, back in time, back in space, tales from other places. 🐖🐔Another gone, Bob Marley, thanks for coming to sing, for a short time, liked the things that you did. Thanks for shining the lights. Birds and bees, happy dazes again, glory days done, Songs for the young at heart. Kids and goats, sheep and cows to feed, open ranges, waiting for the cows to come home. Nigerian Young Publisher floats Magazine in American Varsity Read at: :

Happy Tales, Tips and Stories, love and hate, how to win the races, rats running the shows, horses and pony games, hits for the fees, races to bets, daily events. Songs to sing, monkeys and games, years to leap ahead, rats to races, winners and losers, rules to play. Games of love and hate, horns to blow, goats and sheep, races to run, eating cars, purple hairs, girls and chicks. Good lucks, good looks, good times, dances on the sands of time. Riding Raves, Waves On The Water, Beaches, Houses, Dreams In Actions.
My heart speaks. Wave of words, roles to play, hats to wear, over the bumps, coins to flip, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs in the water, in and out of time, views and noses, you have one, and so do I.y the way you have me all wrong if you think I care about money. You have me ALL wrong. I don't give a fuck about money. As long as you are by my side. But "this" isnt by my side and we aren't together. You don't want to be friends. Otherwise we would be back in each others life.
My heart speaks. Wave of words, roles to play, hats to wear, over the bumps, coins to flip, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs in the water, in and out of time, views and noses, you have one, and so do I.y the way you have me all wrong if you think I care about money. You have me ALL wrong. I don't give a fuck about money. As long as you are by my side. But "this" isnt by my side and we aren't together. You don't want to be friends. Otherwise we would be back in each others life.
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