The Media has a big responsibility to life and safety in our Country. Fake News has contributed greatly to the anger and rage that has built up over many years.News coverage has got to start being fair, balanced and unbiased, or these terrible problems will only get worse!

HOW MANY OF YOU WILL RE SHARE THIS????? Please let's show the Veterans how much we care.The second amendment is"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State.

Frogs, freaks, fools, views of the duck in the right house: the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." not just guns for militia! Please share bf our kids and grand kids lose knowledge of their own rights!

Family gifts, picture the last gift of dead, in Washington State, or California, does not pay yet to be sure of location, autumn's no good, starting bidding, betting, for that model of that picture: $600 million Americans dollars for Spanish knights of church. Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips : Cat or lick, Jesus Christ, monkey in tree, can say right words, brain farts. Back later to expand.....Time to wright, sands on time, coins in hand, cards on table, frog poker played, in layers 2 lies tricks to trade.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
Good times for chucks, ducks and frogs mama' s boys. 2ND in family tales, mother has third eye open, kids in the dark. Only son, back at moms house, 55 years old, 6 kids from decades of fucks, one wife, with six happy childhood stories. Mothers and kids. Mothers to trade, mothers in heavenm for the young and dead babes.Castle Knights: Castle Sales: Ship of Fools: Black Trips : Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
Hanks to pitchers in line, five fingers to each hand, show contact info butt lubed up, catcher for dicks, couple's party, dicks t8 cum, balls in the air. Castle Knights: Castle Sales: Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
Tom and Jerry, good times, cartoon network, cat and mouse, hits online, time to go. Dates online, special notes of guys of interest, sinners and saints, bumps in the road, jokes and laughter, fun and games, classes on the beach, tails away from home, nappy days
Fairy tales, my tip from many more, others that kissed frogs also. Monkey tales, birds and bees, in the dogwood trees. Games to play, animals to dodge, seven little men in the woods, freaks out to lie, to cheat, searching for prey: twin, not a day older, still have truck, still chasing dimes. Friends once, back in the day, shame and disgress after dark.
Notes of another, frogs kissed one day, Daisy, Rachel, or Sima Jarrot, back in the day, friends for a season. Third party views, part of time and space share, right or wrong. Here is a story, happen some time last year, you were in the middle of some project. Met you in riverside, home depot, in the parking lot. It was nice, you liked my form, brown sugar in the sun.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
Happy recaps, frog or fish to date. Bet you lost my number, this is the third time you have answered my ad, you keep coming back. You are so young, you and your twin, forgot his name. You 420 grower now? Got place now, in riverside, have a couch to pick up today, looking on craigslist for a driver with a truck, and you answered my ad. What are the odds?Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
Online hits and misses, time to sail, dreams on ship of hope. Fairy tales, castles and knights. Good times, last ride, horse and pony shows, happy dazes again. Met a guy, 6 foot 2, 55 years old, 6 kids, grown and out the house, left wife of 25 years. Cowboy in white hate, cowboy to ride, cowboy in battles of time and space notes to share, my state of matters of the heart, window open in my world.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
Doors open for trips to the moon, practice pony runs, have a truck to move couch, step in the door, let me know. Have 420 grower in hand, $190 for oz, middle grade, buds loose, have 2 oz on hand $380 for both, want to buy, or know some one that can? Handy man, blow job in the truck you had then, sorry about that, was a thing in my head to play out. Never heard from you after that, so thats where we are. My story to follow about what i think about, you can check it out.
Patty Duke: Updates: moving on, got car back, Frank picked me up yesterday, drove out to Huntington beach, and brought it back. Another on my list to do done. Small miracle for me. Now Frank wants to live here. That's not going to work. Frank lives off the sky, the universe student of hard knocks. Can do better than that, notes to share with you.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
Tell me what you think, so what you read my emails, can you tell me how you feel instead. Mad of few words, pain you live everyday, battles and wars, on top another day. My giant out in the wars, battles on land to see, sails set to sail away, balls bonding in my head. Pirate king, Peter pan, captain hook, out to steal, out to take, balls of fire in the air, battles won. Giant cowboy, giant good guy in white hat, fighter for rights, fighter for more cash.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :
Love and honor, hate and love, peace and love here hanging on the wall, took a picture, life with you. The sun, the moon, peace and love cased in black, castle to share, cranes to fly to good times on water. The busy wall in the house, the signs of love, peace, and understanding. Notes on the wall with you, the life we have, our fairy tale.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips :

Have more to write at a latter time or two. Peace, love and understanding, me a wonderful woman, your prize, your treat in old age, cum today, cum tomorrow, cum when done at the wars.Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Black And Browns, Birds And Bees, Singing Song, Glory Dazes To Come. Ship of Fools: Black Trips : Love you today, dreams of loving more, maybe tomorrow, dreams in actions to cum true.

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