Friday, November 8, 2019

Forever 21, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, 400% Mark-up. Witches, Fairies, Vampires, Heads To Count, Dances In Darkness, Good Time Toads, Coins, Cons, Cards, Clowns, Jokers, Liars, Faces In Shadows.Hello friends!!Pixies – Where is My Mind

 Dead veterans every day, 22 daily last count, help needed to address this Pembroke problems, flipping cards, flipping coins, this to say, how to turn, back up, dreams and wishes, angels to spare, dances done. Hand reaching out to you, need a hand to get started, houses in Orange County, California, other counties needed help also, equal to Riverside Counties.Micky Mice, good time rats, Nazi to call, towers of cops, alerts to veterans, PTSD rites to pots, counting heads, cops on bikes, spikes to hang, towers to guns, nightmares, sinners and saints, good time toads. ...Until we die, we are still Alive.

Forever 21, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, 400% Mark-up.
Witches, Fairies, Vampires, Heads To Count, Dances In Darkness, Good Time Toads, Coins, Cons, Cards, Clowns, Jokers, Liars, Faces In Shadows.Hello friends!!Pixies – Where is My Mind (1988) Not my story a girlfriend, and the joys and pains of love and hate horns on a goat. Snakes, frogs, and freaks tales to share often.Yesterday, History Now.  BASED SAVAGE: Friday.Damn..Here comes them "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20. interesting are u talking to me ?

Yesterday, History Now.  BASED SAVAGE: Friday.Damn..Here comes them "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20. interesting are u talking to me ? no time for that with smartphones, tweeter and facebook, dreams in action for the masses that show up for the season, for the cause, and the family and friends in need, houses.Ball Games, Bats And Birds, Songs To Sing, Blue Oceans Of Dreams. 

Bridge Hope...Ages, things, details of our lives and circumstances are all there   to be acknowledged and accepted for what they are. Things does not define us.   The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we   can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not   need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.Micky Mice, good time rats, Nazi to call, towers of cops, alerts to veterans, PTSD rites to pots, counting heads, cops on bikes, spikes to hang, towers to guns, nightmares, sinners and saints, good time toads. ...Until we die, we are still Alive.

Bridge Hope...Ages, things, details of our lives and circumstances are all there   to be acknowledged and accepted for what they are. Things does not define us.   The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we   can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not   need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.Micky Mice, good time rats, Nazi to call, towers of cops, alerts to veterans, PTSD rites to pots, counting heads, cops on bikes, spikes to hang, towers to guns, nightmares, sinners and saints, good time toads. ...Until we die, we are still Alive.Forever 21, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, 400% Mark-up.  Witches, Fairies, Vampires, Heads To Count, Dances In Darkness, Good Time Toads, Coins, Cons, Cards, Clowns, Jokers, Liars, Faces In Shadows.Hello friends!!Pixies – Where is My Mind 

Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Rides. Dicks and dogs, sheep and goat, horns of love and hate on a goat, tales to spin, good times to sail on. Lovers and hats, songs and dances, snakes and frogs, dances on the water. Lots of love, lots of luck, circles of lovers, circles of haters, songs on the waters.

In the process of being busy with our to-do lists we lose the zeal to fully live our life. We were having a chat among friends where the topic of adventure sports came up and one of us said that sky diving was a No for him as he was worried that the ball will drop. Waves of views, voices and values online, tips to share, the bumps in the road, the ships of fools on the path, rainbows to read, angels on earth, trapped in the lessons to learn, wheels to turn, clocks to tick, pages to turn, good times, god ties, angles of angels in host. Micky Mice, good time rats, Nazi to call, towers of cops, alerts to veterans, PTSD rites to pots, counting heads, cops on bikes, spikes to hang, towers to guns, nightmares, sinners and saints, good time toads. ...Until we die, we are still Alive.

Good times, waves to make, counting heads, checking places, Disneyland Nazi Camps. Faces in the crowds, crooks, cheaters, lairs of snakes in the grass.Micky Mice, good time rats, Nazi to call, towers of cops, alerts to veterans, PTSD rites to pots, counting heads, cops on bikes, spikes to hang, towers to guns, nightmares, sinners and saints, good time toads. ...Until we die, we are still Alive.

Micky Mice, good time rats, Nazi to call, towers of cops, alerts to veterans, PTSD rites to pots, counting heads, cops on bikes, spikes to hang, towers to guns, nightmares, sinners and saints, good time toads. ...
Until we die, we are still Alive. Micky Mice, good time rats, Nazi to call, towers of cops, alerts to veterans, PTSD rites to pots, counting heads, cops on bikes, spikes to hang, towers to guns, nightmares, sinners and saints, good time toads. ...Until we die, we are still Alive.

Daily events, to live and learn, daily events to choose mountains to climb, daily events on the sands of time. Good times to turn around, tips on the joys and pains, dances for the lights to come on.Wisdom of Gene Wilder: Jack Schmitt: Going Flying Kites....Always Believe: Never Give Up. GOTTA LEARN THE HARD WAY. Clocks To Time, Wheels To Road, Ships To Pass:Bubblegum Bitch: Miley Cyrus – Giving You Up –Good times Frogs..Making Waves 2: 😎👍🌊🏄 Freaks Out. Forever 21, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, 400% Mark-up.  Witches, Fairies, Vampires, Heads To Count, Dances In Darkness, Good Time Toads, Coins, Cons, Cards, Clowns, Jokers, Liars, Faces In Shadows.Hello friends!!Pixies – Where is My Mind

Image result for U Santigo, Reese, 333 Smith- Uritza C.
Good guys upside down. Great day, still standing tall, classes over in snake dens, life is beach. Graves to you, graves to me, love and honor the dead. Military men, women also served, to give everything to Uncle Sam, lost lives for the USA. You are a star in the dreams that you create when you sleep, dreams in actions are goals and plans in place, dreams and goals vary with the deadlines. Happy and gay is a lifestyle to share with the friends and family with a glasses that are not rose colored... on Wits and wisdom, walks in the park, battles and wars, lovers in the walks of life. Dallas Moore  🙏 Beautiful sister! BLESSED BE ALWAYS..Rainbow Racers.Forever 21, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, 400% Mark-up.  Witches, Fairies, Vampires, Heads To Count, Dances In Darkness, Good Time Toads, Coins, Cons, Cards, Clowns, Jokers, Liars, Faces In Shadows.Hello friends!!Pixies – Where is My Mind
Image result for U Santigo, Reese, 333 Smith- Uritza C.
 SEEKING FRIENDS, COMPANIONS: Frogs To Date. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before.Stay genuine, it's all or nothing with me. Turning Pages: Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry.💥😎🌊🌊🏄,Rainbow Racers. I swear I thought of u. Birds To Fly...Close up..OVERVIEW… on Veterans Housing Matters: How much would you like to donate?Homeless Blues:  Franky Trees,Monkeys in packs, to dodge. crazy functional cousins. the trash left over from New York. 😘❤

 Nuts and beans, bald head of Frank Agresti, back in time, before he got so fat. Cow, hog, pig, sick as a dawg, donkeys in fields,monkeys in backs. Retards, rejects, escapees, dicks, dawgs, and freaks from NY. Basket cases, threats to harm, views of crooks, cheaters and liars. Monkeys in packs, to steal from veterans, as if they matter more.

Stupid, dense, dumb, coins to flip, cards to read,can not be fixed, cured or train. Free ride, asses to kiss, NY state of retards. on Veterans | A Safe Haven Foundation | Aspire. Transform. Sustain. 🙏 Beautiful sister! BLESSED BE ALWAYS..Rainbow Racers. I swear I thought of u. Third party views online to share. Good times with a den of snakes.

Waking up from a nightmare, faces of frogs, Jewish Wales on land, hits and misses, songs to sing. Monkeys in packs to dodge, counting heads. Snakes in grass, nightmares, lovers, haters, suckers for free rides, faces in shit, dung and fecal matter. Caps, wigs, noses so big, Sheri Fag Hag 1 Jarrot, lots of love, lots of hate, places in the dark. Black and yellow, worms, spiders, snakes in the grass, nine heads, dicks, dawgs, family affairs. Nightmares, dreams to who, fingers in the air, good times, sinners, saints, angels in the winds.Not thanks, walking with boots on, not time for fools, sluts, slugs, snakes in the grass. Lots of luck, lots of lies, snakes, spiders and worms. No way.
Image result for U Santigo, Reese, 333 Smith- Uritza C.
Marines Madness Marches, Wars Won, Roman Gods. PTSD: Back in time, on a bike, took a frog on a date.   Every day earth angels gather the prayers desires.Birds And Bees, Bats Out Of Hell, Goodnight Notes..U Santigo, Reese, 333 Smith- Uritza C. NEW VIDEOỊỊỊ BANG BANGỊỊỊ I saw that you were perfect and so,nights of cheap tricks. Sucker For Free Rides. Dyke, Butches, Going Down South. Toss Salads On The Run.
Image result for U Santigo, Reese, 333 Smith- Uritza C.

.U Santigo, Reese, 333 Smith- Uritza C. NEW VIDEOỊỊỊ BANG BANGỊỊỊ I saw that you were perfect and so,nights of cheap tricks. Sucker For Free Rides. Dyke, Butches, Going Down South. Toss Salads On The Run. Dead veterans every day, 22 daily last count, help needed to address this Pembroke problems, flipping cards, flipping coins, this to say, how to turn, back up, dreams and wishes, angels to spare, dances done. Hand reaching out to you, need a hand to get started, houses in Orange County, California, other counties needed help also, equal to Riverside Counties.Micky Mice, good time rats, Nazi to call, towers of cops, alerts to veterans, PTSD rites to pots, counting heads, cops on bikes, spikes to hang, towers to guns, nightmares, sinners and saints, good time toads. ...Until we die, we are still Alive.

Yesterday, History Now.  BASED SAVAGE: Friday.Damn..Here comes them "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20. interesting are u talking to me ?What made you write that, have no clues to go on, man, mouse, monster, hard to say, what does it mean to you, questions up in the air. Here comes the clowns, crooks, cheaters, and liars 2, horse and pony shows, cons to run, games to play, how to make a buck or two. Earl Pendley

Stats, age, how tall, retired from what, teacher, student, leader of what, do you have time to spare, to get into that?Here comes the clowns, crooks, cheaters, and liars 2, horse and pony shows, cons to run, games to play, how to make a buck or two. 

Yesterday, History Now. BASED SAVAGE: Woman for man, Friday.Damn..Here comes the "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20. interesting are u talking to me ?What made you write that, have no clues to go on, man, mouse, monster, hard to say, what does it mean to you, questions up in the air. Stats, age, how tall, retired from what, teacher, student, leader of what, do you have time to spare, to get into that?Here comes the clowns, crooks, cheaters, and liars 2, horse and pony shows, cons to run, games to play, how to make a buck or two. 
What made you write that, have no clues to go on, man, mouse, monster, hard to say, what does it mean to you, questions up in the air. Stats, age, how tall, retired from what, teacher, student, leader of what, do you have time to spare, to get into that?Yesterday, History Now.  BASED SAVAGE: Friday.Damn..Here comes them "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20. interesting are u talking to me ?

One nut to stand, one nut that can write, one nut in the wood. Fruit and nuts, donkeys in the hills and valleys, ways to grow. Live and learn, stories to share, lots of hard knocks, dates with RV campers.Yesterday, History Now.  BASED SAVAGE: Friday.Damn..Here comes them "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20. interesting are u talking to me ?

Goodnight 💕 watch out for the clowns under your bed 😊Freaks, frogs, fools, good time toads, walks in the park, beaches, Disneyland in Cali, hopes, dreams, wishes on stars, hands to hearts, heads in the layers of sands, dirt, mud, snakes, spiders and worms, black and yellow, wasps and assholes. Honey makers, freaks, frogs, birds and bees, songs in the dogwood trees. Honey makers, freaks, frogs, birds and bees, songs in the dogwood trees. Forever 21, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, 400% Mark-up. Witches, Fairies, Vampires, Heads To Count, Dances In Darkness, Good Time Toads, Coins, Cons, Cards, Clowns, Jokers, Liars, Faces In Shadows.Yesterday, History Now.  BASED SAVAGE: Friday.Damn..Here comes them "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20. interesting are u talking to me ?

 Stronger for the classes.Tails.Mother Goose, Jesus Christ, Great day on the right side, wonderful day to be alive, hopes flames burning bright, dreams in actions, desires out in air, goodness and mercy, angels to catch.Ball Games, Bats And Birds, Songs To Sing, Blue Oceans Of Dreams. Sunny And Bright.ATG Radio Network  anti-state • anti-war • pro-market     .Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.

Can the FBI Get Away With grabbing Trump Team emails? Article by Judge Napolitano.2 Wives, 6 kids, nuts and beans, stuck on stupid, stuck with heads in sands, stuck kissing asses.65 years- live in riv.-retiring in feb.–  own my home-live in canyon crest area– lets meet for coffee ?Charles Ray Jarrot – It appears some mental issuers? American Birds, Faces Of Freedom: .  Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.

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ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Tales on land and beaches on sands of time. Burn and bake snakes for boots.

  Red Dates, changes to the event, tomorrow, on the 12th, just to let you know, have to tell the others, fun and games, good times, family a...