GM y’all have a great day 😤God-dresses, gods of war, Mars and March, marching to greatness, goodness and mercy to follow, always out to lend a hand. Damn..Here comes them "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20,The Real California Cow: Dates on the side of the road, tin can affairs, plenty of fish in the water. American toads, spiders and snakes, dances on the sands of time.
Whale of a girl, brains skipped for planes-went to airport to catch a plane. No brains there, just ticket to catch a plane. Happy trails off in the sea blue sunset.Coins on the table, coins on hand, nickels and dimes, dollars are better, just to let you know.Who Let The Dogs Out? 2018 Year Of The Dog. Gentledogs, Bitches In Heat. Hoes, Hares, Honey Makers.Dates on the side of the road, tin can affairs, plenty of fish in the water. American toads, spiders and snakes, dances on the sands of time.
Damn..Here comes them "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20,The Real California Cow: Whale of a girl, brains skipped for planes-went to airport to catch a plane. No brains there, just ticket to catch a plane. Happy trails off in the sea blue sunset.Coins on the table, coins on hand, nickels and dimes, dollars are better, just to let you know.Who Let The Dogs Out? 2018 Year Of The Dog. Gentledogs, Bitches In Heat. Hoes, Hares, Honey Makers.
Damn..Here comes them "Weird & Nasty" ass SCORPIOS. Oct.22-Nov.20,The Real California Cow: Whale of a girl, brains skipped for planes-went to airport to catch a plane. No brains there, just ticket to catch a plane. Happy trails off in the sea blue sunset.Coins on the table, coins on hand, nickels and dimes, dollars are better, just to let you know.Who Let The Dogs Out? 2018 Year Of The Dog. Gentledogs, Bitches In Heat. Hoes, Hares, Honey Makers.Dates on the side of the road, tin can affairs, plenty of fish in the water. American toads, spiders and snakes, dances on the sands of time.
Dates on the side of the road, tin can affairs, plenty of fish in the water. American toads, spiders and snakes, dances on the sands of time. Daily lessons, love, luck, lessons, to learn, walks to fame, faces in the sands, faces kissing asses, donkeys in packs, free rides, like Jesus Christ. Bastard born in a barn, to save the world, how many times, over and over again, joy to the world, monkeys to hang in packs. Monkeys to dodge, fairy tales to recap.Coins on the table, coins on hand, nickels and dimes, dollars are better, just to let you know.Who Let The Dogs Out? 2018 Year Of The Dog. Gentledogs, Bitches In Heat. Hoes, Hares, Honey Makers.
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