Time to wish a pond a star tonight, ready to leave the cities, and found places where stops on traffic are in a distance far away. Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
Miles to go, over the hills, over the mountains, to meet, to greet, to say hello, its a matter of time. It is a matter of interest, it is a matter of love or hate. Roads to travel, paths to cross, woman for man, in the land of dreams, dreams in actions.The Blaming of the Shrew. It’s Not Easy Being Mean.You ask for?Fairies Woods: Wood Fairy:We’re living letters. Every time we love people without an agenda, we add another page.
The Blaming of the Shrew. It’s Not Easy Being Mean.You ask for?Fairies Woods: Wood Fairy:We’re living letters. Every time we love people without an agenda, we add another page. Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones,Life Is A Beach Blog:"Ready for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun?"
Miles to go, over the hills, over the mountains, to meet, to greet, to say hello, its a matter of time. It is a matter of interest, it is a matter of love or hate. Roads to travel, paths to cross, woman for man, in the land of dreams, dreams in actions.The Blaming of the Shrew. It’s Not Easy Being Mean.You ask for?Fairies Woods: Wood Fairy:We’re living letters. Every time we love people without an agenda, we add another page.
Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, marks the end of slavery in the South on June 19, 1865. Learn more about this day in this special edition newsletter, and read more about Verizon Media’s commitment to social justice and racial equality in this open letter from our company CEO Guru K. Gowrappan.Tall Tales:Tips,Tweets,Tones,Life Is A Beach Blog:"Ready for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun?" |

Ready to fill in the blanks.needing help for a friend who’s trying to collect and claim a tax overage . Friends name, property,location, things like that.
Hands up for the help, hands up for the joys and the pains, gifts to share forever. Stories, tips, tales, and whales on land, flipping the cards. Peace and love by the sea, fun and games, good times to share with the whales on land, the freaks out at night.
Moon light, dances with wolves, yellow lights, white lights, stars to shine.Guns N' Roses - Civil War.Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.Jordan Starr: Blue Ocean, Lakes, Oceans Dreams: Real Estate Dances: Treats.
Endless possibilities.Let negative thoughts go. Watch your thoughts and think with a positive attitude.
Hands up for the help, hands up for the joys and the pains, gifts to share forever. Stories, tips, tales, and whales on land, flipping the cards. Peace and love by the sea, fun and games, good times to share with the whales on land, the freaks out at night.
Endless possibilities.Let negative thoughts go. Watch your thoughts and think with a positive attitude. BEST BUGS BUNNY, DAFFY DUCK & PORKY PIG:Thanks. You don’t need anyone’s approval:WRITE THAT SHIT DOWN . What you want, what you need, in the now. GETTING SHIT DONE TAKE NOTE, BITCHES! FUCKING BRILLIANT FUCKING BRILLIANT FUCK-A-DOODLE-DOO'.Joy and pain, dancing in the sunshine.
Surrounded by reptile aliens pretending to be human. I can relate.I wish I lived on a beach

.If...Views shared with pigs, hogs, hoes, haters, retards, rednecks, crooks, cheaters, liars, faces in the heads. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose we are almost there.I wish I lived on a beach 

.If...Views shared with pigs, hogs, hoes, haters, retards, rednecks, crooks, cheaters, liars, faces in the heads. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose we are almost there.
Hands up for the help, hands up for the joys and the pains, gifts to share forever. Stories, tips, tales, and whales on land, flipping the cards. Peace and love by the sea, fun and games, good times to share with the whales on land, the freaks out at night.
I wish I lived on a beach

.If...Views shared with pigs, hogs, hoes, haters, retards, rednecks, crooks, cheaters, liars, faces in the heads. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose we are almost there.
Waiting for Nothing.Affliction is the wholesome soil of virtue, where patience, honor, sweet humility, and calm fortitude, take root and flourish. -David Mallet.It's how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success. - David Feherty. Because Short Sex Doesn’t Mean Bad Sex .
Ran over by a reindeer, song birthday, hits and misses, cancer kills, bottle of pills to live. Lovers and Haters, Hats 2 Horns, Celebrating a few birthdays: Wheels, Live And Learn, ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Glory Dazes…
Wheels, Live And Learn, ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Glory… Happy hearts, happy hands, lots of joy and pleasures share, family members.Voices, Views, Values, Visits To The Dead, Fallen Stars, Windy Knights, Frogs In The End.
I wish I lived on a beach

.If...Views shared with pigs, hogs, hoes, haters, retards, rednecks, crooks, cheaters, liars, faces in the heads. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose we are almost there.
Purple Knights. Tips. Over The Decades:Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go.There are days that we wake up loving each other. And this is God's original plan in our life: love him over all things and love ourselves a lot, unconditionally.
Endless possibilities.Let negative thoughts go. Watch your thoughts and think with a positive attitude. BEST BUGS BUNNY, DAFFY DUCK & PORKY PIG:Thanks. You don’t need anyone’s approval:WRITE THAT SHIT DOWN . What you want, what you need, in the now. GETTING SHIT DONE TAKE NOTE, BITCHES! FUCKING BRILLIANT FUCKING BRILLIANT FUCK-A-DOODLE-DOO'.Joy and pain, dancing in the sunshine.
Surrounded by reptile aliens pretending to be human. I can relate.
Hands up for the help, hands up for the joys and the pains, gifts to share forever. Stories, tips, tales, and whales on land, flipping the cards. Peace and love by the sea, fun and games, good times to share with the whales on land, the freaks out at night.
I wish I lived on a beach

.If...Views shared with pigs, hogs, hoes, haters, retards, rednecks, crooks, cheaters, liars, faces in the heads. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose we are almost there.
Waiting for Nothing.Affliction is the wholesome soil of virtue, where patience, honor, sweet humility, and calm fortitude, take root and flourish. -David Mallet.It's how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success. - David Feherty. Because Short Sex Doesn’t Mean Bad Sex .
Ran over by a reindeer, song birthday, hits and misses, cancer kills, bottle of pills to live. Lovers and Haters, Hats 2 Horns, Celebrating a few birthdays: Wheels, Live And Learn, ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Glory Dazes…
Wheels, Live And Learn, ~PRINCE~ Acknowledge Me. Veteran Declared Glory… Happy hearts, happy hands, lots of joy and pleasures share, family members.Voices, Views, Values, Visits To The Dead, Fallen Stars, Windy Knights, Frogs In The End.
Names and faces subjugate to changes, animals to see in the light of day. Snakes and bats, snakes and snails, land whales and the sheep. Goats and sheep one or the other, animals to keep...Roots, Lions,Tigers And Bears: Dances In Dogwoods. Earth Angels: 🍭🍭. 💗🐹🍰Love Lessons.Ghostwriter wanted.Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.

Realtor Resources.7607778998-After all, money isn’t what drives them. It’s power. Waves, Words, Winners, Black, Rites, Reads,Pages To Books, Sons To Share, Silent Knights, Lions To Roar, Faces In The Pride.Drive along Coast!!Look up at the shining blue stars, watch for the ones that shoot across the sky, and make a wish.
Drug dealers,:8052055026 Charles R. Jarrot, to steal cash and credit, and wait…Monkeys,🎶💘💙🇺🇸❤️ 5151: Made in America .-Rainbow Racers.Margaret Neufeld : 💖Blue Oceans To Create: Blue Birds And Bees, New Lives Starts. Pages Turned. 💖💖💝.:8052055026. Love, Regrets, Plus:Accidental Raw Views. Nudity 2. Waves, Words, Winners, Black, Rites, Reads,Pages To Books, Sons To Share, Silent Knights, Lions To Roar, Faces In The Pride.
Flipping cards... Pieces of a dream, notes to share, of the good times, the sad times, and the bumps in the road. .🖲🖲🖲🖲 Happy and deligh...
Go Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Joy, Peace, Happiness,Wheels To Turn, Clocks To Run, Coins On Hands, American Veterans: History Of Bumps N Roads.Fights To Win, Lions, Tigers, Bears, Give My Heads, Cows, Clowns, Cattle Drives.
My Future in the Media World:Dicks, dawgs, dikes, Rachel Jarrot.ON THE RUN..BLACK LIVES MATTER: Pages for porn, good time toad, family affairs, heads to count, cons, clowns, cattle calls. Time To Change.
Endless possibilities.Let negative thoughts go. Watch your thoughts and think with a positive attitude. BEST BUGS BUNNY, DAFFY DUCK & PORKY PIG:Thanks. You don’t need anyone’s approval:
Watch your thoughts and think with a positive attitude. BEST BUGS BUNNY, DAFFY DUCK & PORKY PIG:Thanks. You don’t need anyone’s approval:Interested? Nothing ventured, nothing gained!Wow, dude, So.What Every Woman Should Have:Humor.Interested? Nothing ventured, nothing gained!Wow, dude, So.What Every Woman Should Have:Humor.
Golden Calf: What beef? Sheep And Goats, Dancers. Heads To Count, Views, Voices, Values, Horns, Hats, Hoes, Waves For The Pits, Dances With Wolves.Me pulling up with all the love and affection I have to offer. TONIGHT!!! ORDERLY CONDUCT. Snakes, Spiders, Worms, Good Time Toads.
Walking on sunshine, good times, feels so good, times to share, the bumps in the road, the lessons learned, to teach, to learn, daily events.Interesting collection of words.... much like the 60’s, if I remember it right!TRICKS OF THE TRADES INC.Cartoon network, baby boomers, the boy next door, giant on land, wishes on stars, jacks and marbles to roll. I got a brand new pair of roller skates, with a key, walking on sunshine, mountains left to climb.
Me Me Me Me Me...Five Kids, Views, Voices, Valves, Paths To Cross, Ships Of Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Waves Of Wards, Sonny And Starr, Twins, Both Sides Of The Coins.'I can't breathe,' Oklahoma man tells police before dying. 'I don't care,' officer responds.

"It would be so nice, to find a male friend today, woman for man, something to start,stranger to friend, like to love, could find the way, lions, tigers, and bears, voices in my head.
Just following the instruction... Plenty of fish in the seas. ....Gifts of lives in danger, acts and deeds to note, sad tales of men in attacks. Lives lost, lives given to protect our way of life.To change written history, lots of luck, hidden messages to find.They had all the time to love, but they preferred to hate..My hope and prayer is that everyone know and love our country for what she really is and what she stands for.
Beaches and Dreams: Darkness In The Nines, Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars 😮🌊🌊🌈EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING IT.Let's keep working to keep our economy on a better, stronger course.

Senior to senior, time for kids to play in the yard, gone, babe for Mighty Mouse, child of fifties, older, witty and wise, road trips, on the way to the mountains, left to climb.
Tricks and trades, lovers and haters, lions to acts, tigers to dances, wolves in the gardens, ... Jokes of ships of fools, fags out of box, yellow snakes. Stealers Wheel. Stuck In The Middle With You. The music turns me to this classic....Shooting Curves Ball Games, Pitchers Writers, Tips To Tales:Beans And Franks, Son To Shine, Once In Time.Thanks For The Noise.The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.” — Elie Wiesel .A Walk to Caesarea. My God, my God, may it never end – the sand and the sea, the rustle of the water, the brilliance of the sky, the prayer of man.BE STRONG, BUT NOT RUDE; BE KIND, BUT NOT WEAK; BE BOLD, BUT NOT BULLY; BE HUMBLE, BUT NOT TIMID; BE PROUD BUT NOT ARROGANT.'
HAVE DADDY ISSUES AND WANT TO BE SANDWICHED BY TWO MEN?Rachel and Sheri Jarrot: fucks and sucks just like sire.Into The Water, Into The Dark: Earth, Wind & Fire -"Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!Steven Jay Jarrot, Pigs, Hogs, Hoes, Heads To Count. BEE GEES – TO MUCH HEAVEN .Earth Angels: 🍭🍭. 💗🐹🍰 Love Lessons.Ghostwriter wanted .TIME TO TURN THE PAGE: SHOUT OUT TO OUR TROOPS...
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