Sunday, November 15, 2020

Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young .REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING.

Boys to men, FOREVER HOME:Powers within, powers to give, powers to take, time to stand, shooting stars in the sky, hopes, wishes, dreams in works, be the one, just like me, to stand out.760 360 1613...Transportation Company up and running, girls to Vegas, and group sex by bus, or RV, we will get you there all sexed up, and ready to party on in Vegas or a place of your choosing.I'm not wat I ought to be,want to be or hope to be;still I'm not wat I used to be and by the grace of God i am what I am.Heaven On Earth.Tips. Nights online, back in time, tricked and pimped, for love and devotions, circles of wolves in the woods.


GO LIONS! Faces in shadows, faces to the oceans, faces under the skin, read, rites, and homeless blues, good times.Fall Rites Of Passages.Paths to cross, ships to pass, seasons of love, peace, happiness, causes to rites, lights, love, lessons, leaders, sunny and bright. Joys and pleasures rewards given, wishes on stars, shining in the darkness. 💯💔What can be brighter than the stars: GO LIONS!💙

Cases Del Maya Del Washington. 12 Houses Of May: Heart, Hands, Help. Confessions, Factors Why...We must learn to live together as brothers.One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now. Paulo Coelho'. BEE GEES – TO MUCH HEAVEN.

Not sure what that means, just that there are things like events that will tell a story about something to write home about, just before... Sadly some people do not really want to be healed at a subconscious level. They have perhaps found some benefit in remaining...This is the age when self-awareness and embracing our power allows many of us to be healers both of ourselves and also others as a soul service.IT'S A SLOW PROCESS, BUT QUITTING WON'T SPEED IT UP'.Now You See Me. Deep River Woman.

Sadly some people do not really want to be healed at a subconscious level. They have perhaps found some benefit in remaining...By letting each thing act in accordance with its own nature. Everything that needs to be done gets done. W e I r d= wonderful:Exciting: interesting: Real: Different. Yes I am weird always, you? Love or hate.Hello, Giggles.
May be an image of text that says 'Did you know that your earlobes are the same distance apart as your nipples. Goodnight.'

 Earth angel to some, fairy and pixie with a drop of a dime... Friends, family members, saints, and sinners at the forks in the road, take the high road, not the easy roads. Sails on the boats of the seas of changes butterfly out for the colors of the sunny dazes on the shores.

Paths to cross, ships to pass, seasons of love, peace, happiness, causes to rites, lights, love, lessons, leaders, sunny and bright. Joys and pleasures rewards given, wishes on stars, shining in the darkness. What can be brighter than the stars: GO LIONS!

Sadly some people do not really want to be healed at a subconscious level. They have perhaps found some benefit in remaining...This is the age when self-awareness and embracing our power allows many of us to be healers both of ourselves and also others as a soul service.IT'S A SLOW PROCESS, BUT QUITTING WON'T SPEED IT UP'.Now You See Me. Deep River Woman.

GO LIONS! Faces in shadows, faces to the oceans, faces under the skin, read, rites, and homeless blues, good times. Fall Rites Of Passages. 

Sean Hannity. LOVE AND HONOR, ONE OF THE FEW, GUNS TO FIGHT THE WARS. MARINES IN BLUES, DANCES AT WEDDINGS, JOYS AND PAINS, DREAMS TO LOCKS OF HARES, LOTS OF LUCK.Help and hands on for assistance to get the cash off the table. Programs in place for section 8 veteran, location for more and better to come.Zeros, Life Is A Fairy Tale, Knights,Rites For Causes, Seasons:If you’re struggling tonight, please know you’re not alone. You matter very much. Please don’t ever give up. There’s a reason you were created. You are special and you are loved.

The point is not that one cannot care about both. The point is the insane, disproportionate, calamitous, fear-based response to a nearly 100% survivable virus compared to ALL the other tragic and truly deadly issues facing our country and the world.

SIMA JARROT, QUEER, STEER, COW Wales. STILL DOES TRICKS: AT AGE 88. Free Milk, Why Buy The Cows: Bitches, babes, cheaters, crooks, liars, dances with nuts, freaks, frogs, good time toads, plenty of fish in the seas.
May be an image of text that says 'Once, I thought I was WRONG But it turns out...I was MISTAKEN'

 Tales to spin, cash on the table, books to write, trips to hell, snakes, and frogs. Sharks and whales, birds and bees, trips to hell, blame games to play. Tricked and pimped, eaten alive for a season or two. Crooks and robbers, snakes and monkeys, dances in the rain, dances in the woods. Friends in other forms, tricks with time, tricks with space. Only the vain, and only the simple, have views that everyone likes them, in real-world you are not able to please everyone. This is hilarious.

May be an image of text that says 'Hit the middle button until you get a have complete sentence: Aries: am Taurus: Gemini: know Cancer: feel Leo: create Virgo: analyze Libra: relate Scorpio: desire Sagittarius: understand Capricorn: utilize Aquarius: change Pisces: believe'

Once in time, had a moment to spare, wanted to find, another man, stranger to friend, paths to cross, roads to travel. History left to create, waves to make, giant on land, wits, charms, graces, rocks to roll, gems to find. Blame who:American Birds:Life is a Race, Rats, Tigers, Monkeys Racing To Home Bases Pieces Of A Dream, Dancing Angels, Dancing Desires, Good times, fun and games, love and hate horns on a goat.Heaven On Earth.Tips. Nights online, back in time, tricked and pimped, for love and devotions, circles of wolves in the woods.

 'Digital Civil War': Media and Big Tech Suppress Major News Story with Damaging Email on Biden Rep. Steve Scalise: 760 360 1613...Transportation Company up and running, girls to Vegas, and group sex by bus, or RV, we will get you there all sexed up, and ready to party on in Vegas or a place of your choosing.I'm not wat I ought to be,want to be or hope to be;still I'm not wat I used to be and by the grace of God i am what I am.Heaven On Earth.Tips. Nights online, back in time, tricked and pimped, for love and devotions, circles of wolves in the woods.

Claire Dancing GIF


Feisty Soul Tribe ~ The Group.This is the age when self-awareness and embracing our power allows many of us to be healers both of ourselves and also others as a soul service. Chances to change seven seasons t grow, flipping cards, flipping coins, seven times. Queens red and hot, hell hounds to pay, party and prey on veterans.The Sorrows of Young .REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING.At the end of the day the houses, cars, condos, wigs and hair caps, what do you work, run, drives you daily, love, peace and happiness. NEW COVER: America’s Covid swab supply depends on two cousins who hate each other.

LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK..ATG Radio Network.THEN YOU ARE YOUR OWN MOST EFFECTIVE PRISON WARDEN.FISHING TODAY.The Center for Jewish History's new "Family Affairs" series explores researching and writing about Jewish experience from a distinctively personal perspective in

Empathy Map Worksheet The empathy map starts by filling in this key question: Our customers (users/clients) need a better way to ___________Recover, money from the overage created, from the sale of their houses, after foreclosure.Everyone tells me the same thing when I chat with them - "This sucks! I can't find any freakin deals and I'm afraid I just won't ever make it."I totally get it. 

A goal is a dream with a deadline. I would like to share Universal Principles and The Art of True Light, to help as many people as possible! RAZZLE DAZZLE! 'Saints and Sinners.Blame who:American Birds:Life is a Race, Rats, Tigers, Monkeys Racing To Home Bases Pieces Of A Dream, Dancing Angels, Dancing Desires, Good times, fun and games, love and hate horns on a goat.


Help and hands on. I love to thrift shop a few times a month. Ain't talkin' 'bout Housequake! No! New Dance - ain't talkin' 'bout Shake 'N' Bake! W e I r d= wonderful:Exciting: interesting: Real: Different. Yes I am weird always, you?Tweetaa Tweet.
Blame who:American Birds:Life is a Race, Rats, Tigers, Monkeys Racing To Home Bases Pieces Of A Dream, Dancing Angels, Dancing Desires, Good times, fun and games, love and hate horns on a goat.

Nothing to stop the wheels from going around, or the clocks to stop, rocks to roll, diamonds on the side of the road. Out of sight, out of mind, out of the dirt, out of the mud, walking on sunshine again, love, luck, lights, lessons, leaders, lights to shine, candles in the wind.Wow.. wow.. wow.. beautiful, excellent, awesome, wonderful, I become speechless my Queen, please tell me what U want should I do..Blame who?

A goal is a dream with a deadline. I would like to share Universal Principles and The Art of True Light, to help as many people as possible! RAZZLE DAZZLE! 'Saints and Sinners.Angels in the heavens, angels here on earth, angels on the crosses with the young at heart, Peter Pan and his friends, and Tom and Jerry and the other rats running races for the pies in the sky.

DRESSED🌹UNDRESSED🌹👑💎💎So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.At The End Of The Day, Ghosts, Spooks, Spirits, Jesus Christ, Dust In The Wind, Angels To Host, Guides To The Other Side.   Good And Sweet Tips:ANYTHING WHICH IS NOT OF LOVE, 0 HEREBY NULLIFY, NEUTRALIZE, DEACTIVATE, AND RENDER COMPLETELY POWERLESS OVER ME. Love or hate???Friends, family, foes with views to share, hackers in sisters accounts, chicken shit the words, acts and deeds of a worm, to hurt or to help. 

Let your enemies TALK...‬Let your enemies FOLLOW...‬Let your enemies PLOT...‬‪They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley..‬You can't sit with us .Good And Sweet Tips:ANYTHING WHICH IS NOT OF LOVE, HEREBY NULLIFY, NEUTRALIZE, DEACTIVATE, AND RENDER COMPLETELY POWERLESS OVER ME. Love or hate???Friends, family, foes with views to share, hackers in sisters accounts, chicken shit the words, acts and deeds of a worm, or what.

Cows, Cattles, Hoses To Grasses, Wigs on Head, Rachel Jarrot.
Cows, Cattles, Hoses To Grasses, Wigs on Head, Rachel Jarrot.
Happy Dazes Again, Penny Campbell, Reese Santigo, Rachel Jarrot, butches to bitches, good, angels in air, cuts to ducks, cuts to dicks g...

  Holiday Hits And Misses, Moves To Make, Frogs For ...Faces On Clocks, Faces In Mirrors, Faces Of Frogs. days the world to create, one man alone.STAY STRONG SOLDIER..WE AIN'T EVEN STARTED YET, IT'S GONNA GET A LOT MESSIER BEFORE IT GETS GOOD.

Pebbles on sands. DROP A Dime. LET’S TALK.Clear Dazes, Sonny Bright, Giants.Dreams In Light Of Day, Faces In Mirrors. Role Models: Peter Pan, Sonny And Starr Bright, Mothers To Moms, Rites To Balls.Felix the cat, lots of tricks, lots of fun and games, lots of laugh, back in time.

Lots Of Balls In Air: Nuts And Franks, Faces In The Herds. Dicks, Dawgs 2. I am an old soul trapped in the 21 century.' Wolves , Snakes And Frogs Tales. Just to let you know ,I like to wear wings when I am sad, it helps me smile.

Hope for the best, and get ready for the pits in the bowls of cherries. Lemons for the sugar and spices for the girls to make the most of the bumps in the road, and drinks made of the lemons, dodging the rocks under the sands of time.

The point is not that one cannot care about both. The point is the insane, disproportionate, calamitous, fear-based response to a nearly 100% survivable virus compared to ALL the other tragic and truly deadly issues facing our country and the world.

Many plans, goals, hopes, prayers in motion daily, adventures to share with a giant, green, white or blue giants.Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others.Blame others with fingers pointed at crazy ..Treats.Love and lights, sunny and bright.r or not. .Blues: Earth Angels In Host.Lots Of Balls In Air: Nuts And Franks, Faces In The Herds. Dicks, Dawgs 2. I am an old soul trapped in the 21 century.' Wolves , Snakes And Frogs Tales. 

I have a 50 plant farm in Mead Valley and another grow in Riverside. Love the whole growing process and sell my crops to a Chinese Clinic in San Gabriel. Able to keep my growing all year because of a green house. Doubting that I could become your one and only because I am not very domestic or dependant.

Good And Sweet Tips:ANYTHING WHICH IS NOT OF LOVE, HEREBY NULLIFY, NEUTRALIZE, DEACTIVATE, AND RENDER COMPLETELY POWERLESS OVER ME. Love or hate???Friends, family, foes with views to share, hackers in sisters accounts, chicken shit the words, acts and deeds of a worm, or what.

How the journalist Jeffrey Toobin went from respected New Yorker writer to hashtag, punchline, and subjects of debate.

BEE GEES – TO MUCH HEAVEN .Rites to self, rebirths daily, chances to change, faces in the crowds. Want the house,want to leave other peeps in the past, moving on, castles in the sand to buy.Daily Events: Lessons, Love, Luck, Tests Over Times: Paths Crossed:Happy Birthday, and many more, cheers.How the journalist Jeffrey Toobin went from respected New Yorker writer to hashtag, punchline, and subjects of debate.
The point is not that one cannot care about both. The point is the insane, disproportionate, calamitous, fear-based response to a nearly 100...

Hi there human. How nice of you to drop by. You are vetting me, aren't you? That's ok. I don't mind. You have to be careful who you befriend these days.I almost couldn't sleep last night .ON THE RUN, WHAT?! Jokes and Laughs, Pigs Do Fly, Cows and Buff forever.Thanx for the invitation hun...@!Charming and bright, sunny and delightful, full of humor, a silent knight, a king on some levels. Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled.Everything but the kitchen sink .Reasons, seasons, summer notes, waves to make, faces in the crowd. 

It Is A Jungle Out There. Coins, Cards, Cons, Clowns To The Left, Cattle Runs, Heads To Count. Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young .REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING.

Love or hate???Friends, family, foes with views to share, hackers in sisters accounts, chicken shit the words, acts and deeds of a worm, to hurt or to help. Hands out for goodness and mercy, love at what cost, love and hate.Disneyland, pass holders. Guns and cops, to greet the madness of veterans in strange places. More stories to come.  Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young .REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING.

Image result for Uritza Smith333, Snakes In The Grass.

Only the vain, and only the simple, have views that everyone likes them, in real world you are not able to please everyone. Love or hate???Love and devotion, 🌚🌍💜✌ Mad Hatter is a state of mind that I enjoy, as well as, living blue.Ready for What? smithuritza.blogspot. com Cheap Tricks, Butches, Bitches In Heat.: Christmas Daily, Eyes Open, Gifts Of Life Lessons.Friends, family, foes with views to share, hackers in sisters accounts, chicken shit the words, acts and deeds of a worm, to hurt or to help. Hands out for goodness and mercy, love at what cost, love and hate.

  1. I like to write, want to start writing books, get another degree, get the weeds cut at my house, get my car out of the shop.Strangers to friends, friends to family, family to foes, family affairs,gates and doors, winners, losers, sinners and saints, dances in the darkness.Leaders, Rites To Reasons, Sunny And Bright, Cali Chicks, Babes, Veterans With Skills.: Golden Calf ,Children Protection Services.Winter rites, family affairs, seasons of givers, takers, faces in the crowds, eyes open, walking in the shadows, pieces of my mind to share.Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young .REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING.

  2. Image INSTEAD OF CALLING ME PRIVATELY TO APOLOGIZE FIRST, at least be HONEST about your story. BTW, Seasons Of Winners, Losers, Suckers, Fuckers, Heads...Frank Agresti added,Love shit, love light, love truth, love god, love in the air, tales to spare, good times, on the right side of the grave. Why are you lyingand have zero chances of being someone's 'love' so yeah....Lovers, Lights, Lessons, Dances On..Lots Of Assholes, Coffee In Hand. Counting Crows.Daily Mountains. Joys And Pains.Sole Sisters:Rejections, Expensive, Frogs Prices, Coins To Count.We Guess Your Age Based on Just 30 Questions?Leaders, Rites To Reasons, Sunny And Bright, Cali Chicks, Babes, Veterans With Skills.: Golden Calf ,Children Protection Services.
Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air.Not common, woman for man, rocks to roll, gems to find, coins to flip, faces to wear, happy, delighted, witty, charming, suck in the mud.LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK.Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air.Love or hate???Friends, family, foes with views to share, hackers in sisters accounts, chicken shit the words, acts and deeds of a worm, to hurt or to help. 

You:common crazy? Three levels of stupid, slow, simple, silly, sons to shine, heads above common,pages to go...RV campers, tricks and trades, veterans to prey, searches daily, liars and cheaters, liver for hogs, pigs and cow, fatty steaks, beef and hogs, table treats. Goat Horns.Winter rites, family affairs, seasons of givers, takers, faces in the crowds, eyes open, walking in the shadows, pieces of my mind to share.RV campers, tricks and trades, veterans to prey, searches daily, liars and cheaters, liver for hogs, pigs and cow, fatty steaks, beef and hogs, table treats. Goat Horns.

DRESSED🌹UNDRESSED🌹👑💎💎So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.At The End Of The Day, Ghosts, Spooks, Spirits, Jesus Christ, Dust In The Wind, Angels To Host, Guides To The Other Side.   

ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.Tales on land and beaches on sands of time. Burn and bake snakes for boots.

  Red Dates, changes to the event, tomorrow, on the 12th, just to let you know, have to tell the others, fun and games, good times, family a...