Heaven, hometown: 5150: Angels to call, mothers to grandmothers, stars in the heavens, eyes in the sky, rites to stand, causes for seasons of over the rainbows. Good times, Happy Accidents, Happy Dazes, faces in the crowds. Cheers and chaps, heads up, heaven to come and stay. Notes of history of nuts on the run, veterans with skills, lights in the darkness.
Earth Angels, Purple Rains, Dances In The Clouds, Sunny And Brights, Only The Young At Heart. Cheers, and chaps, thanks to the militay, the people in blue, men, mice, women, battles on the land, dances in the dirt, fighters, surfers, dreams. Leaders of light, leaders to delight, waves from the ships, waves from the shores.
Family affairs, counting heads, flipping coins, good time toads. Lights, lessons, lucky breaks, battles and wars won, pages to books, songs to sing, glory dazes in the sands. Leaders, losers, learners, Waves, Babs, jacks and marbles, waves of views, values, and voices, cheers and chaps. American Babs, Waves, Bulldogs, cheers, and chaps, for the read, rites, and homeless blues, songs to sing.
TAKE CARE AND MAYBE ONE DAY WE CAN HAVE A GOOD HEALTHY CONVERSATION.flower cake Kings of the Dalliance. Thanks for watching. If you like video please "SUBSCRIBE" - "LIKE" - "SHARE" -"COMMENT". Thanks for the songs, the hits, the misses, the leaders of the band, Peter Pan, Lional Richie, Prince, heads to count, angles of angels here for a moment or two, candles in the winds, lights, stars, winners and losers, good times, angels in host, wings in the winds.
Cheers, chaps, great job, back here all the time. Paradise.Change people. Just remember you can’t change everyone.Fridays, Always Happy, Moments By Moments.I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't.
This is it, the wrap up is in place, and we are pulling the ropes tighter, so the time is ripe for the big dreams. This is a recap of the dream that was started years ago, and it kind of burned out because the next step could not be taken. There are always plans in place, just do not have the time and attention to all the things that matter, because it has not been addressed yet. We have to take a few minutes to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly parts in order to see the larger picture, and all the events that are going on now and then. Have you heard about Yelp yet? It's the fun way to find, review and talk about what's great - and not so great - in your neighborhood and beyond, everything from restaurants and bars to doctors and yoga instructors.
Change is something that I do not have a problem with, it is also about growth. Not ready to push up daisies, and do not have time to sleep until I am buried. So the work has to be done, and the peter piper is the first one out, to sing and dance and be the leader for the next group of people in place for greatness. It is a secret what that is for each and every one of us, and it is why we were sent to stay on earth, to complete a task or two. What is it for you? What is it for the people that you cross on your journey on earth? How in touch are you? If you are a one page person, this is not for you, you believe in nothing that matters, because your book does not have enough pages to keep anyone’s attention for long.Have you heard about Yelp yet? It's the fun way to find, review and talk about what's great - and not so great - in your neighborhood and beyond, everything from restaurants and bars to doctors and yoga instructors.
The people that you cross during your lifetime are there for a purpose, a reason, a season or a lifetime , you just have desire what the reason is. It may or may not be something that you know from the beginning, or something that you decide from their actions. Most people are one page people; their book of life is a one page book, not much there to read between the lines at all. So what do you do with people like that? Not sure, depending on when they showed up, and what you need to get completed. My life is on the line again, ideals are not being met, and the standards for the closest person for the last two years, have not changed much at all. The story is the same, the actions are still the same, and the mindset is still the same for the knight in shining armor. It is a sad day to finally wake up and see the pigs, frogs, and the cows, and wonder how life could be without them at all. The jobs titles have not changed from my standpoint, the man in question is perfect to himself, and his waste matter does smell like roses.
That is on one hand, on the other hand, the dirt will not come off, so the water does not work on removing the dirt for the tests on charterer. It is a matter of choices that is the whole thing about free will, and the crossroads that you have to face, and which direction you choose. I wanted to look at the lives of me and the girls that are part of me, just like sisters that were desirable, helpful, and caring for real, not just words. Words that we use tell a story about your life and times, if you respect yourself, and the same old tire stories that you tell everybody, is not needed for all the people that you cross paths with. I wanted to talk about snakes in the grass in a couple of different ways, and the actions that were created behind the choices that we are living with. Men and women met and marry and live life together because they cannot face life without the other, and in a perfect world they are complete together. That is the ideal situation, and it is the one that most of us search for. What happens if you find your dream mate, what then is instantly know to both parties that notice on meeting that they are a match for a life time?
How can you know? Standards are needed in order to preferences in place or you will be falling for everything and anything. What if you are not able to see how green the grass is at your front door because you can see greener grass out of the window, do you take grass from out of the picture out of the window, that you are looking out of? What do you do, when you know there is more, and the you know it is a matter of changing plans? Men and women are always searching for the other half of themselves, how they look are a matter of choice as well, and standards play a lot in these matters as well. Hearts are cute for the lover’s day in February, but they are not made to be put in trash at the end of the month, and you should not wear on your sleeves either. Here is a story of a man and a woman that met at a crossroad on Happy Trails Road, in the little quiet town of Truth or Constance, in New Mexico, one day long ago. It was quiet day and the sun was out, and life was good, and the dream for more was in place, when Maya and Sean met.
They were ready for life and love was something that they both wanted, and it was a sign of the life that was desired by both. It was love at first site. During that time in September went they met it was ripe for the changing seasons, and the cause and effect changed to adjust to the tip of iceberg that came into play. When Maya first saw Sean, her thought was that he looks asleep, and she wondered how long he had been in that state. A sleeping lion was how she saw he, he was born in September on the 4th, and he had a girlfriend in his head that has the same birthday as well, and sleeping is what he does always. In the beginning that was a thought that it may have been flux start, but not it has been clearly shown that it is personal for him. This was something that Maya had to learn over time, and it did not get any better, because he had created a female offspring that were just like him. It was a shame, that it was okay and acceptable for them, but not to Maya. It took awhile to find out, and it was not something that she wanted to accept.
The signs were there, and it was not going to take another brush with death, this time to get the message. Once was enough for that. Sean was a product of an abuse childhood, and has to wait, until he got big enough to throw his weight around, so he could toss his father out of the house. At thirteen, he took on the role of male provider so he could help his mother, and it was needed for daily living for them. He started to work at places for more of the normal things that people took for granted growing up. effect, so he could have a warm place to sleep. He was not able to sleep at home He learned how to steal and cheat to get the things that were needed, and he took a lot of risks for his family after his father left the household. It was a pattern that the father had started at the age of 14 years old, he was not able to get alone with his father’s second wife, so it was to the Army he went. He looked older, and told lies to the, under parked cars in the streets were better than home.
The choices were under cars or military with lies for the age difference. It was not a hard choice, and it was warmer than outside for sure. Sorry that was a little mixed up, Sean became the man of his household at 13 years old, and his father left home at 14 because he did not like his father's new wife, so he lied to get into the military and his childhood ended at that time. Just wanted to leave a clear picture. That was one of the reasons, for the sleep like lifestyle, and no plans, no goal, and no future plans for nothing. Life for Sean has always be lucky for him, and he is still alive because of his luck, and it may last for a while longer or not. Not sure how much credit to give to luck, since it is a matter of research and placement, for luck always. Whatever you want get up and go get it, or go where you think you can get it is a good start. Have the dreams, plans, and goals in place to get there, and don’t stop until you get that price.
Disneyland rats and roaches, heads to count, men, mice, minnons, gloves in white. Guts, gods, battles and wars, heads to count, boots on, walking away, dances in the hills, March for Mars, God of wars. Birthdays daily, second chances, coins, cards, faces to flip. Fingers in the air, snakes in the grass, frogs in the army, groups of frogs, in the seas of more frogs, faces in the crowds.
Sons to shine, walking on sunshine, dances in the clouds, heaven is home, 7 knights a weak, faces in the darkness, lights to turn on. Hope Green, read and rites, seasons of givers. Sunny and bright, waves to be made, pages to be turn, ships to sail,over the rainbows, over the pots of goals, blue oceans to create, dances in gold, cash, green back, dreams in motion.
Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
🤘🏽.Cards To Read,Rats To Roaches, Faces In Shit, Good Times, God Ties, Toads And Frogs, Snakes In The Grass: Wales Alerts:
Just because things are bad now doesn't mean they're going to be that way forever.Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.😎🌴👍👊Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:😎🌊🌊🏄Stronger for the classes.Black, White, Wholes In Heads, Coins To Play, Signs Of Good Times, Both Sides.
Moments In Time, Glory Dazes Done, Lessons Learned Ships To Pass, Boats Floating, Waves, Rocks, Plenty Of Fish In The Seas. Lessons To Learn, Grow, Expand, Recreate, Recaps. Dances In Crowds.
Tricks on veterans is the top of their games,
💪.. to play,better than the dogs in the houses. Frogs To Date.
Heaven, hometown: 5150: Angels to call, mothers to grandmothers, stars in the heavens, eyes in the sky, rites to stand, causes for seasons of over the rainbows. Good times, Happy Accidents, Happy Dazes, faces in the crowds. Cheers and chaps, heads up, heaven to come and stay. Notes of history of nuts on the run, veterans with skills, lights in the darkness. Sons to shine, walking on sunshine, dances in the clouds, heaven is home, 7 knights a weak, faces in the darkness, lights to turn on. Hope Green, read and rites, seasons of givers. Sunny and bright, waves to be made, pages to be turn, ships to sail,over the rainbows, over the pots of goals, blue oceans to create, dances in gold, cash, green back, dreams in motion.
Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
🤘🏽.Cards To Read,Rats To Roaches, Faces In Shit, Good Times, God Ties, Toads And Frogs, Snakes In The Grass: Wales Alerts:
Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily. Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Blue Skies, Blue Dreams .winning 😍😭🙎🏿♂️🍫daddy af 😜♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not You Toy, Not You Dream Babe, Lovers .......Lil whores😂😂😂😂Peace is what I have to share, with joy and a touch of love for the man with the heart of a man that loves with both hands. In touch with the kid within, and grateful for the events that shaped my life, no regrets, and lessons learned.
Wishes and hopes for a kind person, older and taller that has a degree or two and the wisdom of age to help guide me though the maze called life. Blessing or lessons are why we meet people is how I feel about it, have had enough lessons for this year, but I know that is not true. Every day you are a teacher or a student, and for me that means being an example. Trying to change people by your example only works if they like you, otherwise you get suck into a world beneath standard that you live by.
Age is a number. Still have so many questions about that, and would like to find a man that loved to hear me chatter, and not call me crazy would be a piece of heaven for me. Love the water, love the ocean, would love to see that site daily from the windows of my house, now that is still another one of my dreams.
Do you ice skate, or and do your roller skate, and do you dance?
Moments In Time, Glory Dazes Done, Lessons Learned Ships To Pass, Boats Floating, Waves, Rocks, Plenty Of Fish In The Seas. Lessons To Learn, Grow, Expand, Recreate, Recaps. Dances In Crowds.
Just because things are bad now doesn't mean they're going to be that way forever.Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.😎🌴👍👊Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:😎🌊🌊🏄Stronger for the classes.Black, White, Wholes In Heads, Coins To Play, Signs Of Good Times, Both Sides.
Moments In Time, Glory Dazes Done, Lessons Learned Ships To Pass, Boats Floating, Waves, Rocks, Plenty Of Fish In The Seas. Lessons To Learn, Grow, Expand, Recreate, Recaps. Dances In Crowds.
Peace is what I have to share, with joy and a touch of love for the man with the heart of a man that loves with both hands. In touch with the kid within, and grateful for the events that shaped my life, no regrets, and lessons learned.
Wishes and hopes for a kind person, older and taller that has a degree or two and the wisdom of age to help guide me though the maze called life. Blessing or lessons are why we meet people is how I feel about it, have had enough lessons for this year, but I know that is not true. Every day you are a teacher or a student, and for me that means being an example. Trying to change people by your example only works if they like you, otherwise you get suck into a world beneath standard that you live by.
Age is a number. Still have so many questions about that, and would like to find a man that loved to hear me chatter, and not call me crazy would be a piece of heaven for me. Love the water, love the ocean, would love to see that site daily from the windows of my house, now that is still another one of my dreams.
Do you ice skate, or and do your roller skate, and do you dance? Hope for the dreams in place, prayers for the frogs, freaks, and snakes in the grass, gay and happy lifestyle to share for the bright lights. Steven Jarrot, 7608512267-seven snakes, devil on earth, for a trip to hell in a RV campers in Ventura, parked for the parties on the beach.
RV campers for the good times, and the freaks out at night. Party and play your life to death, dreams of a frog or a fake friend or two. Whales on the beach, freaks like Steven Jarrot, 7606543510 from the RV parked to watch the ocean work. Daily events to drive dated RV to the beach, for the tricks, for the trades, for the freaks out at night.
Moves Made, Men, Mice, Micky Mouses, Good Times, God Ties, Angels In The Clouds, Snakes In Grass, Cows To Call, Free Milk, Faces In Mud. Cheap Tricks, Upland Fags, Hags, Steers,Queers, Queens In The Sky. History Notes, Not News Today. Pages To Books.Have you heard about Yelp yet? It's the fun way to find, review and talk about what's great - and not so great - in your neighborhood and beyond, everything from restaurants and bars to doctors and yoga instructors.
Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models. Have you heard about Yelp yet? It's the fun way to find, review and talk about what's great - and not so great - in your neighborhood and beyond, everything from restaurants and bars to doctors and yoga instructors.
Hare Matters: Hairs to you, bald heads to show, bad hair days, with $6000 wigs, way to ride, trips by plane for free, daddy to lick, balls and docks, cum to balls, tasteful treats. Just like daddy, Steven Jarrot, just like livers and livers, Sima and Charles R. Jarrot, 7607778998, crook since age 14, old people to die, frogs in line.Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models

Hello, Actually, black is my favorite color. It goes with everything and makes me look thinner. What is your favorite color? I have attached my picture. If I interest you, please respond and include a picture. Respectfully, Vince...Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Reflections, Rites 2. Lessons Learned:Rats To Races: Games Played.Horse And Pony Shows". Treats.Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
True success is a measure of total and absolute failure. Veterans Dates, Sons To Shine, Cheers. Flashy™ ⚡️ 🌪 🤘🏾 More Never run back to what broke you.Frank and nuts, Monkeys in packs to dodge. 😕😕😊😊😔😔😌😌.Cartoon hits, cartoon shows ,kids to watch, laughs tonight, good times.I'm sorry for the pains, that family and life in the military have thrown at you!Never argue with stupid people. - Mark Twain: Deer, Herds In Cities:Donkeys In Packs, Monkeys To Dodge.
Only you and your depth of character will make you successful. You are your success...Back In Time.Dykes, Butches, Bitches In Heat.Flashy™ ⚡️ 🌪 🤘🏾 More Never run back to what broke you. Twists, Turns, Rites To Flip: Cons And Pros: Dates. Beaches, Dreams.Frank and nuts, Monkeys in packs to dodge. 😕😕😊😊😔😔😌😌.Cartoon hits, cartoon shows ,kids to watch, laughs tonight, good times.I'm sorry for the pains, that family and life in the military have thrown at you!Never argue with stupid people. - Mark Twain: Deer, Herds In Cities:Donkeys In Packs, Monkeys To Dodge.
Tip on land whale, crook, cheater and liar, bitch on Facebook, not Maya Dsilva, snake in that account. Hates his written history, lots of threats in the air, told my girls, he wants acid on his face, to improve his looks, and help to cut of hands for being a crook, stole computers at Best Buys, in July 2015, more excuses from wolf dressed like a sheep. A snake to dodge, not my kind of friend.
The cast and crew of Blue Mountain College’s Department of Fine Arts invite you to their production of Arsenic and Old Lace. Show times are: Tuesday, Tell me this ain't Raw asf 💯😝 ✋🏾😒 Black And White. History To Share. but I'm gone catch a bitch slippin 😂 Wednesday, Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students, senior adults, and children. Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Earth Angels, Purple Rains, Dances In The Clouds, Sunny And Brights, Only The Young At Heart. Cheers, and chaps, thanks to the militay, the people in blue, men, mice, women, battles on the land, dances in the dirt, fighters, surfers, dreams. Leaders of light, leaders to delight, waves from the ships, waves from the shores. Family affairs, counting heads, flipping coins, good time toads. Lights, lessons, lucky breaks, battles and wars won, pages to books, songs to sing, glory dazes in the sands.Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Leaders, losers, learners, Waves, Babs, jacks and marbles, waves of views, values, and voices, cheers and chaps. American Babs, Waves, Bulldogs, cheers, and chaps, for the read, rites, and homeless blues, songs to sing. Disneyland rats and roaches, heads to count, men, mice, minions, gloves in white. Guts, gods, battles and wars, heads to count, boots on, walking away, dances in the hills, March for Mars, God of wars. Birthdays daily, second chances, coins, cards, faces to flip. Fingers in the air, snakes in the grass, frogs in the army, groups of frogs, in the seas of more frogs, faces in the crowds.Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Leaders, losers, learners, Waves, Babs, jacks and marbles, waves of views, values, and voices, cheers and chaps. American Babs, Waves, Bulldogs, cheers, and chaps, for the read, rites, and homeless blues, songs to sing. Disneyland rats and roaches, heads to count, men, mice, minions, gloves in white. Guts, gods, battles and wars, heads to count, boots on, walking away, dances in the hills, March for Mars, God of wars. Birthdays daily, second chances, coins, cards, faces to flip. Fingers in the air, snakes in the grass, frogs in the army, groups of frogs, in the seas of more frogs, faces in the crowds.
For ticket reservations, contact Jerri Lamar Kantack at 662.685.4771 (Ext. 163) or jkantack@bmc.edu.Blue Mountain College.Good Times, Wits, Charms, Graces, My Fair Ladies. Tell me this ain't Raw asf
😝Add me on the snap
👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares:Dreams: Sit and Spin: Faces in mirror to changes, American Toad, tales to spin. First facts of life, lessons to learn, love and devotion, classic classes on the beach. "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.
😂 so I'm pretty sure everybody know who this man is right here
💯 my first love, my husband, my world, the father of my kids, my R.O.D, my everything right
❤Tell me this ain't Raw asf 💯😝 ✋🏾😒 Black And White. History To Share. but I'm gone catch a bitch slippin 😂 We have like the hardest most roughest relationship ever but some way some how, he comes back to me and I come back to him
💯 a lot of Mfs might look at me like I'm dumb or whatever cuz I be talking shit, crying, throwing tantrums but it's just cause I'm not around him rn .Add me on the snap
👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares:Dreams: Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Go to Disneyland and you're bound to encounter some of the cheerful be-suited Disney characters wandering around, embracing children, dancing for your amusement and generally setting a friendly, whimsical tone for the park. Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
You can shake hands with Goofy, play fetch with Pluto, waltz with Donald Duck and take precious photos with Mickey and Minnie, photos that you'll cherish forever.Not So Happy: Life Is A Beach: Lots Of Balls In Air: True Blue Dances On The Sands Of Time: Lots Of Tests Over Time. Lots Of Love, Lots Of Luck 2.Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Apparently it's somewhat common for a person's dying wish be to have their ashes dumped on Disney rides, most popularly the Haunted Mansion.Life Is A Beach: Lots Of Balls In Air: True Blue Dances On The Sands Of Time: Lots Of Tests Over Time. Lots Of Love, Lots Of Luck 2.

Have been searching for that special person that would be everything needed in a person to share and grow over time. I am a American black veteran that : just a little sad today. Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Do not like living in the past, but I do like to face reasons for actions taken, to check to see if the values are the same. One of the things that I live by are the reasons, the seasons, and the causes that connect me with other people, and the things that matter to me.Add me on the snap
👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares:Dreams: Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Peace is what I have to share, with joy and a touch of love for the man with the heart of a man that loves with both hands. In touch with the kid within, and grateful for the events that shaped my life, no regrets, and lessons learned.Add me on the snap
👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares:Dreams:
Wishes and hopes for a kind person, older and taller that has a degree or two and the wisdom of age to help guide me though the maze called life. Blessing or lessons are why we meet people is how I feel about it, have had enough lessons for this year, but I know that is not true. Every day you are a teacher or a student, and for me that means being an example. Trying to change people by your example only works if they like you, otherwise you get suck into a world beneath standard that you live by.Add me on the snap
👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Words that we use tell a story about your life and times, if you respect yourself, and the same old tire stories that you tell everybody, is not needed for all the people that you cross paths with. I wanted to talk about snakes in the grass in a couple of different ways, and the actions that were created behind the choices that we are living with. Add me on the snap ❤😁😝👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares:Dreams:
Happy for the joys and pains of six kids, happy and delighted with the lessons learned alone the way. Happy with the friends for life in the 420 community, with the plants up north.Friends for a season, friends for a cause, friends for a life time to share the joys and pains on the roads to greatness.Add me on the snap ❤😁😝👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares:Dreams: Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models

💯 and y'all hoes be quick to slide y'all little thirsty asses all up in his face
😒 but I'm gone catch a bitch slippin
😂 anyways I love this man to death and can't nobody but him change the way I feel, his ass throwing a tantrum right now and the shits hilarious
🤣 but this picture means a lot because we was on the best of terms that night, idc what nobody say Ima ride for my niggah, straight die for my niggah
😍Add me on the snap
👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares:Dreams: Sit and Spin: Faces in mirror to changes, American Toad, tales to spin. First facts of life, lessons to learn, love and devotion, classic classes on the beach. "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
#ITSA381THANGHomeless Nightmares:Dreams: Sit and Spin: Faces in mirror to changes, American Toad, tales to spin. First facts of life, lessons to learn, love and devotion, classic classes on the beach. "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
Jordan Starr: Blue Ocean, Lakes, Oceans Dreams: Real Estate Dances: Treats.Add me on the snap ❤ 😁 😝 👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares:Dreams: Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone -Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question: 😹 😹 😹 😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide, 😹 😹 😹 😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly. "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models

Cali Cow Review: Movies 2 Manners, The Bank Job Treats.5151: Human-like corpse creatures. Chabad of Rancho Mirage - The Torah Oasis.50 Shades Of Color. Nice notes.... Movie based in London, England, with bank robbers, prime ministers, porn Kings in multipule countries, set in 1970-1971, and the need to do the process and take care of the piss-offs, that got in the way in the end died. Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
Expressions the English way are: Must have guts to go for the glory. Lesbians, Dykes, Butches, Cheap Tricks, Cows To Call, Wales On Land, Freaks And Frog Dates.Words to waves, views from the top, lions to roads, faces in crowds, castles to see, lovers, to haters, coins to lips, faces in the low lands, frogs to fish, dances in the clouds. Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
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👅 I L😍VE YOUR Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares:Dreams: Stories, Tips, Homes, Houses, Veterans Paths: dream that you wish will come true.Dogs And Dates.Switch - I Wanna Be Closer..Snakes in the Grass: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Homeless Nightmares: Seven Snakes, or the Prince of Frogs, Jackass leader of pack of mules, burros, and donkeys.Sit and Spin: Faces in mirror to changes, American Toad, tales to spin. First facts of life, lessons to learn, love and devotion, classic classes on the beach. "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.

Tribe members, and what they stand for, GED Super Stars, Jewish Bisexual Jarrot Army 2016 ?Choose Wisely :) Movies Made: Vine:Next: Rachel Jarrot, cow to buffalo, butch 2?Rachel Jarrot, nor Rach Sheri Gerstein Jarrot is in her 50s. Goes by Sheri Beth Gerstein Jarrot, names and labels fo a hog, pig, or fag hag. Faces in the mirror, faces of snakes, crooks, cheaters, and liars, books on the shelf, good times for whales on land. Sheri Jarrot: Has Lived In Upland, CA. La Quinta, CA. Palm Desert, CA. Sheri's Relatives. Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Sit and Spin: Faces in mirror to changes, American Toad, tales to spin. First facts of life, lessons to learn, love and devotion, classic classes on the beach. "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.
Marilyn and Malcolm, Norman, Dean, Goldie, Gerstein. Snakes in grass, crooks, cheaters and liars, herds of cows, wales on land, dicks and dawgs, dykes and fag hags, donkeys in packs, monkeys to dodge. Pages in a book or more, tips and tales, stores of stories of cheap tricks, Jewish Wales, moves made. Steven Jarrot. Rach Jay Jarrot, Gay:Charles R. Jarrot, son or fag to date, Rachel Gaylnn Jarrot..Movies Made: PUT THIS AS YOUR STATUS AND SEE WHAT PEOPLE LOVE ABOUT YOU I L😍VE YOUR _________?Vine:Next: Rachel Jarrot, cow to buffalo, butch 2?Rachel Jarrot, nor Rach

"Hey future toppers, if you haven't paid your housing deposits ($50) for the fall, we need them asap to guarantee your spot on campus for this upcoming semester!"Tell me this ain't Raw asf
😝"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."~ Ralph Waldo Emerson....Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none. Let silence be your motto, until duty bids you to speak. Thank the Great Spirit for every meal.
Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none. Thank the Great Spirit: Tales In The Woods. Cupcakes Remake Treats - Hollywood Candy Girls: One or two more acts of folly should, thereafter, not matter very much at all."Lovers, Lights, Lessons, Trips To The Books, Notes From The Shots, 1920 Black And White. History To Share. 1920's bathing beauty via ozfan22.flickr.com...
Marie Prevost for Photoplay, 1921, via the loudestvoice.tumblrTell me this ain't Raw asf 💯😝 ✋🏾😒 Black And White. History To Share. but I'm gone catch a bitch slippin 😂 Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "CowWisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models
Add me on the snap
👅 Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
Trips to the moon, seven seas, seven seasons, seven snakes, in the light, blinded.Colors at the end of the rainbows, birds and bees, dogwood butterflies dancing in the trees.Apes, Monkeys In Packs, Lovers And Haters, Hares Lost In Woods, Dicks, Dawgs, Dates.Thanks everybody for the Birthday Hollaz! U made a Mupfugga misty!! Luv y'all!!Girl of Day - Misty Stone - "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs. American actress and model. #MistyStone #models. Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
Heaven, hometown: 5150: Angels to call, mothers to grandmothers, stars in the heavens, eyes in the sky, rites to stand, causes for seasons of over the rainbows. Good times, Happy Accidents, Happy Dazes, faces in the crowds. Cheers and chaps, heads up, heaven to come and stay. Notes of history of nuts on the run, veterans with skills, lights in the darkness. Sons to shine, walking on sunshine, dances in the clouds, heaven is home, 7 knights a weak, faces in the darkness, lights to turn on. Hope Green, read and rites, seasons of givers. Sunny and bright, waves to be made, pages to be turn, ships to sail,over the rainbows, over the pots of goals, blue oceans to create, dances in gold, cash, green back, dreams in motion.
Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
🤘🏽.Cards To Read,Rats To Roaches, Faces In Shit, Good Times, God Ties, Toads And Frogs, Snakes In The Grass: Wales Alerts:
Just because things are bad now doesn't mean they're going to be that way forever.Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.😎🌴👍👊Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:😎🌊🌊🏄Stronger for the classes.Black, White, Wholes In Heads, Coins To Play, Signs Of Good Times, Both Sides.
Moments In Time, Glory Dazes Done, Lessons Learned Ships To Pass, Boats Floating, Waves, Rocks, Plenty Of Fish In The Seas. Lessons To Learn, Grow, Expand, Recreate, Recaps. Dances In Crowds.
Tricks on veterans is the top of their games,
💪.. to play,better than the dogs in the houses. Frogs To Date.
Heaven, hometown: 5150: Angels to call, mothers to grandmothers, stars in the heavens, eyes in the sky, rites to stand, causes for seasons of over the rainbows. Good times, Happy Accidents, Happy Dazes, faces in the crowds. Cheers and chaps, heads up, heaven to come and stay. Notes of history of nuts on the run, veterans with skills, lights in the darkness. Sons to shine, walking on sunshine, dances in the clouds, heaven is home, 7 knights a weak, faces in the darkness, lights to turn on. Hope Green, read and rites, seasons of givers. Sunny and bright, waves to be made, pages to be turn, ships to sail,over the rainbows, over the pots of goals, blue oceans to create, dances in gold, cash, green back, dreams in motion.
Mistress of Dragons."Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk.Question:
😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,
😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.
🤘🏽.Cards To Read,Rats To Roaches, Faces In Shit, Good Times, God Ties, Toads And Frogs, Snakes In The Grass: Wales Alerts:
Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily. Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Blue Skies, Blue Dreams .winning 😍😭🙎🏿♂️🍫daddy af 😜♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not You Toy, Not You Dream Babe, Lovers .......Lil whores😂😂😂😂Peace is what I have to share, with joy and a touch of love for the man with the heart of a man that loves with both hands. In touch with the kid within, and grateful for the events that shaped my life, no regrets, and lessons learned.
Wishes and hopes for a kind person, older and taller that has a degree or two and the wisdom of age to help guide me though the maze called life. Blessing or lessons are why we meet people is how I feel about it, have had enough lessons for this year, but I know that is not true. Every day you are a teacher or a student, and for me that means being an example. Trying to change people by your example only works if they like you, otherwise you get suck into a world beneath standard that you live by.
Age is a number. Still have so many questions about that, and would like to find a man that loved to hear me chatter, and not call me crazy would be a piece of heaven for me. Love the water, love the ocean, would love to see that site daily from the windows of my house, now that is still another one of my dreams.
Do you ice skate, or and do your roller skate, and do you dance?